Happy New Year !
I wish you a wonderful, fabulous 2017, full of love, laughter, friendship, happiness, creativity, genius ideas, success, and most of all, good health!
I’d like to take this fresh start as a chance to thank you for always being there for us, for me. Make My Lemonade will celebrate it’s 5th birthday this March. I can’t believe it... it wouldn’t have been possible without you! So thank you for another year of fun and adventure!
I can’t believe that 2016 went by so quickly yet towards the end, slowly. I just wanted to start a new year, a new start! As you know, I love January and September. New beginnings, full of promise and hope! This year, I’m not going to make a long list of resolutions. I’d rather be realistic so that I won’t be disappointed after a couple weeks.
While going over some old blog posts recently, I realised how much I miss the creative side of my career! I need to get back to the drawing board and use my brain! For a little while now, I’ve gotten back into sewing, not for a tutorial, just for the fun of it... and it was amazing!
By the way, this brings me back to a 2017 challenge/resolution: no more fast fashion for me. I wantto buy differently and better. With Wear Lemonade by my side, it’s easier than you would think, but as a fashion lover, it’s hard to stay away from Zara. I watched
“The True Cost” on Netflix, which got my priorities straight. Since then, I scan every label to know where my clothes come from.
Speaking of awakenings and realisations, I listened to my first podcast:
“la poudre, un podcast féministe” where Lauren Bastide give women the opportunity to speak up. It’s lovely, inspiring, universal. I can’t get enough! I highly recommend it. Plus, it’s free!
2017 is going to be a big year for Wear Lemonade too, with lots of collaborations and crazy projects, bigger and bigger collections! I can’t wait to show you what life’s got in store for us and to read your comments and see how you like it! I’d also like to share more behind-the-scenes information on how the business is run. Your feedback on the business articles reinforces my idea that sharing is everything! Speaking of businesses, I’m working with Etsy again this year on the idea of resolutions! If you want to participate but don’t know how to start, join us and enroll in their program that starts at the end of the month here!
To sum it up, in 2017, I’m going to:
- Vote
- Practice my calligraphy (really!)
- Find the time to draw more.
- Create more!
- Be a more conscientious consumer.
- Read!
- Open a store...
And in 2017, I’m going to keep on:
- Trying to do my best
- Race against the clock
- Pretend to go to the gym two times a year
- Make lists...
- Be madly in love!
Hugs and kisses! Once again, happy 2017!
Oh and the guest star of these pictures is our 2017 Wear Lemonade agenda! It’s full of surprises, motifs for the upcoming collections, lists to keep track of your goals, flowers to color, and places to get organized! At the Lemonade Studio, we all have our own!
Translated by Whitney Bolin