

Hello my little kitties!

I am back here! I know I was having a “break” lately, not that I wanted to because being here you know is a real breath of fresh air, but mostly because I did not really have time! Life goes fast and as Charlotte said, we just moved in a nice 100 square meters office, full of light, love and inspiration!




Thus, between boxes, travels (I am actually writing this post from my hotel room in Canada) and wedding organization, my life looks like a marathon right now, but I am sure you are now use to read this kind of lines, and I have to admit that I really like that.

As I told you in the post about the bridesmaid kit, I would like to enjoy every little moment of this wedding preparation and what it can bring to me, because my life is currently quite active and I do not want to miss these little moments… When I met Laurence and Anouch from Epouse-moi Cocotte, I do not only wanted to imagine this famous bridesmaid kit but I also asked them to immortalize my bodyguards, my bridesmaids…




What I love about Laurence’s pictures is that they are not too girly, not pastel, not set, not like all the pictures we can see… OKAY there are glitter and confetti, because confetti are life but I think they well represent us. In the morning before the photoshoot, I asked the girls to be dressed with polka dots or stripes, not the most creative idea I have ever had… I was a bit nervous about this photoshoot because it was not a bachelorette party, the famous one… I let them organize it and I did not want to impose something if they did not plan to do so. For this reason, the dresscode was soft in order not to force anyone, finger crossed, I hope I will not finish dressed up making forfeits… This situation and the wedding PowerPoint are making me so nervous!




I really wanted to do something special and keep a nice memory of these magical months of preparation, with these girls I love. Let me introduce to you my bridesmaids! I hope you will like these “family” pictures. I personally adore them; Laurence took like 200 photos… I scroll them through my computer like holiday memories. I think these girls are like my muses, so different but all indispensable…




One of my friends talked to me about these little boats, which do not require a special license, that we can rent on the Ourq Canal in Paris: "Marin d'eau douce". I rented one 10 days ago and here we are, ready to board! We met many girls that had the same idea but also birthdays celebrations! I find the pictures near the water so photogenic, and it was like we escaped from Paris for few hours… Anyway, I think it is a great idea to make surprises, and it is not that expensive.




Thanks again Laurence from Epouse-moi cocotte for these amazing pictures! If you are interested in a girls photoshoot, you will find all the information on their website; they do not only shoot Bachelorette parties but also weddings, engagements parties, families, friends… I almost would like to print them all and create an album… Heart with my fingers… I will be back soon with my Canadian adventures! And one more picture with the confetti…




Translated by Coralie Clair

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04 août, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my sea otters (yes summer is here so I imagine all of you playing with your otters friends in the water).

How are you? We are prepared to move and so excited about it, listening Larusso while packing everything… We finally found OUR office that represents all we have imagined: bright, spacious and soon, lemony. We cannot wait to be there and welcome you in this new area, in few days! Today is Saturday, and while we are dreaming of yellow carpet, decoration but also movers, I stop dreaming few seconds to tell you what happened these past weeks in our little Lemonade Studio that starts to become bigger (maybe it is like the supermarkets, the Lemonade Studio was a Lemonade stand to start, then it became a Lemonade Studio, now a SuperLemonade Studio and who knows maybe one day it will be a HyperLemonade Studio).




I guess you saw the new Wear Lemonade collection, and maybe adopted Paloma already. My current secret dream is that, for the office relocation, we all wear Palomas and we arrive at our new office like a little army of Super Mario movers (okay we also need a cap and a mustache). By the way, after the collection photoshoot, we all agreed that creating a cap could have been a good idea: we did it in the sun on a nice court at the Tennis Club of Joinville! We had so much fun doing it, the lemons that replace the tennis balls, the hard work of the clay court sweeper (Laure if you can hear me, you have all my respect and I think you have a real future in this activity). Anyway, I let you enjoy some stolen moments of this hot summer afternoon.




You have been so many to come to visit us at the Café A where we decided to stay for a weekend to meet you and let you shop the latest pieces from the previous Wear Lemonade collection! The famous brand Havana decorated the place with a Cuban spirit to give you the opportunity to be in South America during the month of July for the "Little Havana" event. We were in our caseta in the middle of the jungle, ready to welcome you! We also organized two DIY workshops, and it is always a pleasure to meet you and share some tips!




It also make me think about the fact that often, one of the Lemonade Girl arrives at the office very excited, telling us “I saw someone wearing the mon petit chat sweatshirt”, “A girl in the metro wore the Frida dress and she was so beautiful!” because yes, it matters to us and we do care. The Little Havana event was also the occasion to see you trying and wearing our clothes and it was very nice! Thank you Havana for your trust, we had a great time living in a Cuban way for a weekend. You can still visit the Little Havana metamorphosed Café A until the 31st of July.




I wanted to show you our last lemony acquisition: the Lemonade neon! Crazy isn’t it? The brand Blachère realizes your craziest dreams and proposes you to create your favorite word as a light garland! We are already thinking about the place to display it in the SuperLemonade Studio (Lisa is so excited about it and calls us at 3 in the morning because she saw a wonderful office picture on Pinterest…).




Let’s conclude this 6th edition of the Daily Lemonade with a food break! As you may know, during this summer we are going to transform (4 times) the Bento boxes from Planet Sushi in paper creations (the veggie, the salmon…)! Summer is going to be pink, as Lisa says. I have to admit that the pink cabbage is my new Sistine Chapel, my favorite piece. My previous masterpiece was the coffee cup from the 2015 calendar, but now the pink cabbage clearly overpassed it! The cherry on the bento, as you can see, we also transformed the Wear Lemonade pieces with the colors and patterns of the Planet Sushi bags! Visit their website to discover more information about the summer specialties, delight your taste buds and try to win a shopping weekend with Lisa in Paris.




I send you big kisses, be careful with the sunburns… and not only the sun can hit (an accident between otters can happen so quickly). Have a nice summer!

Charlotte S.

Translated by Coralie Clair

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25 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet



Paloma dungarees available in the ready-to-wear section next Thursday at 10am on Wear Lemonade. I am wearing a size S! Tania t-shirt coming soon in the Wear Lemonade collection and Louboutin shoes.

Happy Monday everyone!

I would like to thank all of you for your enthusiastic messages about the new collection, it is very exciting, and I did not see the girls at the office yet this morning but I am sure they will be as moved as I am! THANK YOU, this adventure gives me wings and you have wonderful ideas that I will take into account right now, such as finding the name of the models, or voting for the printed fabrics, and I also would like to have you as mannequins! To answers your questions, the clothes from the old collection will not be available but the patterns will always be, until no one left my little kitties… About downloads and articles, they will stay active!



DIY Paloma dungarees made in a Sacres Coupons fabric, and I am also wearing a Uniqlo shirt and Louboutin shoes.

Now it is time to introduce to you Paloma! Keep it noted in your agenda, Ipad or even alarm, because next Thursday at 10am you will be able to adopt the ready-to-wear version of Paloma, available in two different colors: light grey/blue chambray or white with navy blue cherries. The pattern and DIY will also be online at the same time, and I have to admit that this DIY piece is a little bit more complicated than the others…



Paloma dungarees available in the ready-to-wear section next Thursday at 10am on Wear Lemonade. I am wearing a size S! Tania t-shirt coming soon in the Wear Lemonade collection and Louboutin shoes.

If you are afraid not to receive your dungarees on time to pack, do not worry; we also send to your holidays destination, with the worldwide delivery opening! Speaking about delivery, we are going to put new surprises in your orders! I feel like I am preparing Christmas time and it is so good to find new ideas to make you happy and surprise you, we love it!



DIY Paloma dungarees made in a Sacres Coupons fabric, I am also wearing a Petit Bateau shirt and Louboutin shoes with a red bandana for the final touch.

I would like to thank Pauline for this on the run photoshoot; we are so efficient now, and I have to film you the backstage of a photoshoot with Pauline! I also would like to thank Joseph for the heart balloons that come from a new super concept called Mieux que des fleurs. Indeed, rather than ordering a bouquet on Internet that will arrive damaged by transportation, you can send a red or pink helium filled heart in a box. They are in my living room for more than 8 days and they are still intact! A nice and poetic surprise that I like! I send you big kisses and I cannot wait to see you wearing Paloma!

Translated by Coralie Clair

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20 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Helloooooo guys, my friends, loves, kitties!

Act 3 already? Why 3: the patterns launch in January, the ready-to-wear collection in May and today the new one! Here we are, the Wear Lemonade adventure keeps going! I am moved and glad to show you the pictures of the photoshoot… It is a kind of exclusivity because the first piece will only be available next Wednesday! Anyway, if you want to buy one of the current collection piece, you only have few days to do so because the collection will be removed from the website once the new collection will be on! The first small collection was a reminder of all the pieces I presented you as DIY since the beginning of the Make My Lemonade adventure. However, for this second collection, I wanted to imagine must have pieces and try to tell you a little colorful story… A nice woman who is playing tennis with her dungarees, who is umpiring the court in a top-of-the-class little dress, and who is picking up lemons in playsuit….




I am just like a kid on Christmas morning and I hope this feeling will stay with me forever. I already know my friends’ and family’s enthusiastic opinion and wishlists about the collection but I am a little bit nervous to read yours… Finger crossed! I let you watch this teaser out.



During the next three months, you will meet:

  • - Paloma, the nice light dungarees…
  • - At the end of August, you will find Nina, the crease-resistant playsuit that has been cashtested to fit all morphologies.
  • - In September, it will be Lola’s turn, the perfect little dress to go back to school/work with a small white collar that I love so much.
  • - Then, to complete the Wear Lemonade collection, the perfect Tania small t-shirts (yes yes) with boat neckline (and I think it is going to be our trademark) that you will find in two different versions: stripes + bouclé cherry or transparent with polka dots…




It was not easy to resist the polka dots temptation because if I listened to myself, all the pieces would be printed with irregular polka dots… I love them so much. I know it and I also imagine that it is not necessarily the case for everyone. For this reason, you will also find stripes in this collection that you can obviously mix with the polka dots! And then, you know, I have other obsessions and one of them is cherry… I cannot fight when I see a printed fabric with cherries… It is a type of dots right?

For the little story, my 15 years old niece Lola (so old I am) wears a bottle green dress with a small white collar and dots, and her classmates call her “Cerise de Groupama” (Cherry from Groupama is a girl who wears a white dress with green dots in an French TV ad) (thanks puberty)... And without really thinking about it, here I am, drawing a little collar dress with cherries on it… It will be the Lola!




Last time, I asked you which piece you would like to see in the next collection and you have been so many to ask for the playsuit and the dungarees. I hope you will be happy to find these items in the new collection and do not hesitate to tell me if you want to see something else in the next one that is coming in October. I do not know if you saw it on the Wear Lemonade website but if you scroll down you can discover your orders, pictures, and Wear Lemonade creations!




I would like to thank Pauline Darley for these amazing pictures and Elodie for trusted us for her first photoshoot. Thank you Cyrielle Favreau for her professionalism and her kindness. Thank you Nathan Cahen for his little movie! Thank you Alex Pan for this perfect music. Thank you Coralie for the orange juice and all the rest… Thank you my lovely team, Charlotte, Laure and Nardjisse, you are the best. Thank you Adidas for their trust and the Parisian tennis club of Joinville.




Translated by Coralie Clair 

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

18 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Happy Friday my little kitties!

I hope you are ready to go on holidays and that packing and planning have no secret for you. For me it is more complicated. I am so bad at packing. I always take too much stuff with me that I never wear. I bring 4 pair of shoes and I finally only wear my Brazilian plastic blue flip-flops that look so bad and that I bought 10 years ago… but I love them. I always take many dresses but deep inside I know that I will wear my bathing suit all the time with a loose white t-shirt. I also systematically forget to take my toiletry case or my headbands and hair clips with me, and I can feel my fringe stuck to my forehead during the scorching heat…




Then, you also have the weather that is an important factor to consider, and sometimes when I want to organize a trip, I have a look at it and I observe the rainfall probability index. Thus, over the past years, I learnt that the weather forecast cannot be trusted, same for the post office. When the weather presenter is playing Russian roulette with the cumulus, I am packing with the terrible sensation that I am taking too much stuff. Then, once the holidays over, it is time to unpack… (2 weeks later to keep the holiday mode on). Anyway, this critical moment when you open your suitcase, which still smells warm sand and wet bathing suit, and you still feel disappointed when you realize that you only wore one third of the clothes you took. At this time, you curse the weather presenter who lied to you and you knew it…




However, while writing you these lines, I am sure that I will succeed and break the curse taking some packing lessons. I really have to in order not to fail, break my back, forget something but also be mad at the weather presenter. Nevertheless, about unpacking right after being back home, it is another story…




Today I am wearing a light palm shirt from H&M (current collection), a Topshop short from last year, a pair of cheerleader boots from Topshop too, a gorgeous Tammy et Benjamin bag bought on L'exception, a Karuna Balloo flower and birds rings from my trip to Thailand!




Thank you Lâm Hua for these pictures!!! <3

Translated by Coralie Clair

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17 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my little kitties!

Today I am back with a post that means so much to me. While preparing it, I remembered the first project I did when I opened this blog: the Christmassy preparations for my family. It was a project that I really loved to do, and that worked perfectly, everything was fine and easy, a real pleasure… Anyway, I have to tell you or to remember you that I am going to get married in few months. It is so complicated to organize the wedding, especially when you want to marry a foreigner… Some subjects really stagnate, some others are working very well: finding the dress, drawing the shoes, choosing the wedding cake, having the good music, ordering the rings, imaging the decoration, it is very exciting. However, the administrative papers, the place, and the caterer are more complicated… Finger crossed, it is going to be fine, I believe in my lucky star. Besides this crazy event, there are also the entrepreneurship life, the family, and urban family life… Moreover, as we only get married once, I want to enjoy all these little moments around this event.




You probably do not know but I am a huge fan of the American traditions such as the bridesmaids with the same dress, the twelve-sections invitations, outdoors ceremonies, and all that is coming with it… I chose to have 5 bridesmaids, 5 friends I see all the time. I wanted to offer them a box full of crazy accessories.




Two years ago, I met Anouch and Laurence during a closet clean-out, the two talented creators of Epouse-moi Cocotte, and I discovered the work they have done on their website "'un beau jour". I was in love with the poesy of the pictures and the humor of their creations, and we told each other that one-day we had to do something together… The wedding occasion was a very nice opportunity to do so! We met and talked about an “Ultimate Kit of the butter heat bridesmaid”. The idea was to imagine a creation with three brains. I wanted something girly but not too much, without pink you know… I took my nail polishes collection and I created a kind of colorful marbling that I took in picture and the girls found nice little words so they decided to imagine a shopping bag and a mirror now available on their eshop.




In this kit you can find:

  • - A shopping bag and a pocket mirror “Audacieuse, Folle et Amoureuse” (Audacious, Crazy and In Love) from Epouse moi Cocotte
  • - A little Karuna Balloo flower
  • - A disposable camera, this reference for the Mon petit chat va sortir (Watch the kitty!) customization pattern
  • - Visine red-eye reduction drops “after party drops”
  • - A Urban Outfitters vegan leather flask to fill in obviously…
  • - A nail polish from Claire’s
  • - A handkerchief with a “sèche tes larmes mon petit chat” (dry your tears my little kitty) transfer
  • - A super gold and huge diamond ring from H&M
  • - A UO mattifying mask
  • - An elastic band and emergency hairpins from H&M
  • - And Doliprane 500 (for the day after the bachelorette party)…




To create this box you need:

  • - To download the pattern and print the different parts of the box on thick Bristol paper
  • - A metallic ruler
  • - Green glue
  • - A scalpel and a pair of scissors




Start to cut inside the black lines with scissors or a scalpel for more precisions…




On the opening parts of the box you can find small notches that will be help you indicating the folds to create with a blunt scalpel or a needle.




Preform the folds of the top of the box but also of the stop trips, everywhere on the box.




Follow the assembly guide of the box that you will find in the PDF. Do not forget to hollow the part that will welcome the rounded strip. Stick with the green Scotch glue holding a bit the parts together.




The box starts to look well and for more support, I advice you to create a 26cm Bristol paper strip + few centimeters each side for the flaps and to double/triple the strip so that it will be very rigid.




Fix it inside the box and fill in your kit with all the gifts and close the box. Here we are!

Translated by Coralie Clair

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

15 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my kitties!

Another post about our castle office life, I warn you, I ate a clown… When I think about this post in which I introduced to you our huge office (thank you wide angle) we were 2 and a half working there at that time: Charlotte and I everyday and Laure from time to time, and then things got complicated because we grew fast, you already know that, and today we are 5! Anyway, our nice office is now a bit too small. Moreover, you are more and more numerous to come at the office to pick up your Wear Lemonade orders! It is so cool to meet you but sometimes we can see your surprised faces when you discover the atomic naval battle that we use as office.

It is time for us to move, in order to welcome you in the best conditions and work properly… Meanwhile, we tidy up in the morning and evening, so the office is presentable between 9:30 and 10am and after 7:30pm… at best! So please, tonight, light a little candle, ask Ganesh a small favor, send us your best vibes so that we can find a new office quickly! Just for us, a big office, so that we can do crazy (and even more) things inside!




Today is a good day to talk to your about our daily life, and I will introduce to you a new tool that joined the team. After the incredible machine that cuts the paper that we have to show you, a new acolyte joined the studio: "S-P-R-O-U-T", yes Sprout… I can see you going, we say “SPRAAAAWWWT” OK? So what is it about? It is the new computer from HP, a marvel of technology and creation! Watch this out:



I have to confess that we are Apple fans and users and this super creative machine really intrigued us, and then, with the E-shop, we also needed a formation on a PC, thanks the post office (La Poste)… I do not hide you that we needed some time for the adaptation from the Apple to the Windows system, but I have to admit that it is quite intuitive and I almost forget about my terrible childhood memories on PCs.




By the way, of course HP could has found a better name but believe me, after the play on words, everyone found in Sprout a new ally:

I use it to make my DIY editing thanks to the objective that captures my hands with fixity and a uniform light.

  • Charlotte, in charge of the publications on Make My Lemonade but also queen of the piñatas uses it to create some gifts or other video editing but also to mix… (Sprout, beyond the capture, 3D scanner and other nice stuffs, also offers cool applications and we spend a lot of time playing, the Piano one is magic!).
  • Nardjisse, my business partner who is in charge of the development of Make My Lemonade and Wear Lemonade (also princess of the numbers) uses it to prepare the lovely Newsletters that we send to you, and we have to admit that between our small MacBook screens and Sprouts, there is no possible comparison, for accounting too but she does not like when I say so…
  • Laure, Wear Lemonade product manager, the chief of the patterns uses it to scan her patterns and prepare the gradation, once again she saves time because she can scan in A3 format… and then modify the gradation directly on the screen (which is tactile but she uses a stylus for more precisions).
  • And Coralie, in charge of the E-shop but also our translator, uses it daily to prepare your orders and send them to you as quick as possible. As I told you, the modules and widgets of the post office (La Poste) are developed for Windows… She recently became a kind of post office Guru, unbeatable on parcels and registered items…




To give you an example, on the tactile tablet, I can place some objects, create a little production, capture them thanks to the scanner, which is on the top of the computer and then, project the picture on the tablet and take the objects off. I take a sheet of paper, I deactivate the tactile tablet and I draw on a sheet of paper the picture projection. Once the drawing done, I can scan it and make some corrections, and then print it directly from my printer… Magic!




It is nice to talk to you about this wonderful object but it is also a huge budget. For this reason, with HP we decided to make you contribute in order to win a computer like this one! For this, I ask you to create a moodboard, a compilation of pictures, or a photo with all the objects that inspire you, have fun and you can post it on Instagram adding the #SproutbyHP and if you do not have Instagram you can post your creation in the comments of this Facebook post! The 100 first will win this tote bag and then we will choose by random a winner that will receive the revolutionary Sprout by HP (€2.500)! You have until July the 24th, let’s create!




Translated by Coralie Clair

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

13 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my kitties!

Today I am going to talk to you about a wonderful project. I played with a teasing effect on the social networks, and some of you guessed that it was about Clinique. I am always so excited about this kind of collaboration and it should make you believe in your dreams, more than usual!

Few weeks ago, the well-known cosmetic brand Clinique, also famous for its “three times basic”, contacted Pauline Privez, Capucine Piot, and me to be their French ambassadors. Why us? We are, all three, women who love challenges and were not afraid to start the amazing adventure of the entrepreneurship! I often talk to you about this… As a reminder, you can read this post where I give you some organizational tips and also this one with more details about my career!



Today, my status is different and I am now president of my limited company (it was an EURL before and I was the manager) because I have associated myself to other people in order to help Make My Lemonade and Wear Lemonade grow. I also have an associate who is always with me, Nardjisse who takes care of the good development of the company because we all are full of ideas and we need to canalize all these energies.

By the way, I discovered a new one because the Make My Lemonade team is now composed of 5 girls (girl power) and besides all the daily love and encouragements I receive from you, my new motivation is to see the girls coming at the office with the desire to conquer the world, enjoying the daily victories for me, being excited by the new prototypes, celebrating the Wear Lemonade successes, being proud of my Baby Lemonade, that over time becomes also theirs. So today, when someone asks me where I see myself in 5 or 10 years, I still do not know, but there is one thing I am sure about, is that I want to make this project grow, be as free as I am today being my own boss, and keep seeing people smiling at work.




For this reason, I am an entrepreneurship woman! As you probably already know, I knew it was made for me, and I am sure I am not the only one, because when I read your comments, I can see that you also want to launch your own business. That is why Clinique decided to contact us in order to help you take the plunge, yes you, our communities because you have to believe in your craziest dreams!

This summer until August the 31st, you just need to register on the FaceFoward Clinique website and apply with a presentation text of your professional project, secret dream, from the launch of an application that will dry your hair from the construction of a bio vegan food bike… Pauline, Capucine and I will choose, each of us, one amazing project that will win one year of Clinique “3 Times Basic” products. Then, Clinique will choose the big project winner who will win a €15.000 grant! Yes €15.000, just to boost your project! Make us dream!

Translated by Coralie Clair

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

09 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my little kitties!

Thank you all for your sweet words and crazy love about the Lolita dress. I cannot wait to see your creations! Moreover, since then you have been so many to visit the website and it completely flooded by your enthusiasm but now it works!
Today I am back with a new DIY! Indeed, few weeks ago, I talked to you about my favorite perfumes collection and I had the nice surprise to be contacted by Jo Malone, and I just love wearing the sweet "Wood Sage & Sea Salt" cologne.

The Jo Malone team wanted me to show you a perfume personalization service to have a unique scent that they call the “Fragrance Combining”. The idea is not to combine 42 references but to start with 2 only can be nice! The olfactory experts can mix 3. And add a fourth one with perfumed body milk. Now it becomes too complex for me. I am also in favor of the “less is more” and I prefer not to play chemistry with my skin.




I received 2 other fragrances, 2 particular scents, as Jo Malone is known for. The unexpected ingredients’ assembling is now the trademark of the company. I would remind you my perfume of origin is “Wood Sage & Sea Salt”… so I received “Lime Basil & Mandarin” which is the signature perfume of Jo Malone. They put it everywhere: in their shops obviously, but also on the silk papers. The lemon and basil mix is very sweet and a little bit acid, and combined with “Wood Sage & Sea Salt”, it intensifies the sea spray. I love it and I stop it here, I do not add other scents because I am not very adventurous… I also received "Blackberry & Bay" which is fruitier and greedier, it reminds me some childhood memories. Mixed with “Wood Sage & Sea Salt”, the result is “rounder”, sweeter, almost comforting!

For the occasion, I imagined a little paper DIY so that you can understand the perfumes superimpositions… You know how much I love paper flowers: paper roses, cherry blossom, or even peonies… Today, I imagined just for you some imaginary flowers, to complete the Make My Lemonade flowers collection… I had to find them crazy lemony names! You will keep yourself busy this summer doing this DIY and maybe you will create some delicate flower crowns for your bridesmaids, who knows? I send you big kisses and I let you download the pattern of your (I hope) new favorite flowers…




You will need:

  • - The pattern of the flowers
  • - Scissors
  • - A graduate steel ruler
  • - White ribbon 60cm
  • - A scalpel
  • - White paper
  • - Glue
  • - White silk paper

Print and cut the patterns of the flowers.




Draw the patterns on white paper and cut them. Choose different papers so that you can have various shades of white.




Slightly draw the folding lines to facilitate the next steps using the back of the scalpel and the ruler. Fold the flower and stick thanks to the strips.




To have a nice result, wait until the glue is dry and then curve the extremities of the petals with your fingers.




Now take the flower’s pistils that you cut before, fold them like an accordion, use some glue and put the pistils into the flower!




Here we are! Your first flower is born! Now let’s move to the next one, the silk paper flower. Take a silk paper strip and fold it in two (lengthwise).




Fold it again and again, and cut a heart with the scissors (be careful because you have to place the base of the heard in the paper fold to have a double heart once unfolded).




Superimpose the heart petals to obtain a round flower.




Twist the base of the flower to fix the flower and place the petals again in a homogenous way. 




Put perfume on the flowers, you can use different fragrances depending on the flowers and combined them.




Keep creating flowers from different sizes and shades of white, and assemble your crown sticking the flowers on the paper strip.




Create a notch at the extremity of the paper or fabric strip using the tip of the scissors, and put the ribbon inside!

Here we are!




Translated by Coralie Clair

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07 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my little kitties!

Here we are again with the so famous and sweet Lolita! As I told you in the previous post, I am so proud to announce you that we imagined a wonderful giveaway with Singer. Indeed, in one of the 250 patterns you can find a golden ticket that will allow you to win a retro look sewing machine, the €849.50 Singer One Plus! Do you believe it? I barely realize and I am so excited to offer you such a gift!




Well, I have to be honest and tell you that the pattern of this dress is more “complex” compared to those we have presented before, but it is not extremely hard either, you just need to be a little bit more patient. Why? There is a small cotton lining to do. It is a well-fitted dress so you will have to learn with us how to sew an invisible zip. I also felt a little apprehensive about it but how can we be afraid of a zip? However, with my sweet Laure’s advice, everything was fine, even better than fine: finger in the nose! I let you watch the video and you will see by yourself that it is not difficult at all!



Today is a new day because you now have to pay in order to download the PDF version, and it will also be the case for the next ones (only €1.99). We made some changes on the PDF file for the assembly to be simpler. Indeed, each sheet is numbered and there is also a summary sheet to recap how to place them. The 6 previous patterns are and will remain free. I hope you understand because the graduation process and the layout represent a lot of work. For these reasons we chose to make the pattern pay but also easier to use.





Few things to know about this dress:


  • - The Lolita pattern that you can find here and here
  • - Fabric 3m with width 1.45m (not smaller because it will not be enough)
  • - 1 invisible zip special dress (35cm)
  • - Lining 1m

- Exceptionally in the booklet, you will find the necessary explanations to adapt the pattern to your measurements.

- You asked me which fabric I have used for my Lolitas, so for the white and navy blue ones, it is a gorgeous mercerized satin cotton, for the “fresh butter” yellow version it is a cotton gabardine a little bit thick and for the striped yellow and white parasol version it is a coated fabric (same as neoprene) from the Jacquemus collection. We bought all the fabrics in “les Etoffes du Sentier” shop, in the Jeuneurs street in Paris.

- Under the navy blue one I am wearing a tulle petticoat. If you want to give the same effect to your dress, I recommend you the Repetto ballet dancer’s tutu.

After wearing the dresses, I found that something was missing so I asked Laure to add little bows on both the Titanic boat neckline’s sides… As a bonus, we are going to share with you the DIY of these perfect bows!

  • - The bow pattern that you can download here
  • - Fabric strip 30cm




Cut the fabric as it is mentioned on the pattern. You will have 4 pieces for the bows and 4 others for the loops. To make the first bow, use 2 fabric pieces and pin the sides together.




Sew three of the four sides to keep one open. Cut the corners but not too much.




Put your hand into the opened side, and turn the fabric over. Form the corners with the tip of the scissors and then iron.




On the opened side, fold the seam allowance (1cm) to the inside, and then close it putting a nice invisible handmade stitch.




For the loop, put the two bigger sides together and sew. Turn around and iron.




Form the loop putting one of the free edges into the other. Do some handmade zigzag stitches, same as for a corset lacing. Put the rectangle of the bow into the loop.




Pull on each side to make a nice bow. Place them on the shoulder seam of the dress.




Sew the center of the bow loop to the dress, and the 4 corners of the bow too. Do the same for the other bow. Here we are! Nice result, isn’t it?

Translated by Coralie Clair

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

03 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet




Hello my little kitties!

Here is a special post today because I have an announcement to make! The Lolita dress pattern is coming next Friday on Wearlemonade! When I told you that I would get married in few months, most of you asked me to do a wedding dress DIY! I though it would be a great idea, especially because for this special occasion I wanted to draw the dress myself. I dreamed about a short dress but not too much because I am not a big fan of my knees and I was thinking of Catherine Deneuve’s dress in front of the Church. I wanted it be well fitted around the waist with three-quarter sleeves because I think it looks very nice. Moreover, the cherry on the meringue… with a super boat neckline that we are going to call the Titanic neckline.




Actually, we are going to celebrate our wedding three times, three different days so 3 different dresses! It makes sense, isn’t it? Thus, I wanted to show you the dress I am going to wear at the town hall. I did not make the dress in the fabric I want for the D-Day yet but since this white and yellow version came into my life, I have to admit that my plans changed a little bit because I think this one is funny and it fits better my personality… I had difficulty seeing myself in white and I have to thank Pauline Darley for being able to capture a sweet moment… The dresses have been made for a long time now and I tried them all many times at the office but about the white one… it was not my favorite at all. I always avoided the subject each time Laure asked me to try it on to see how it looked compared to the others… However, when I wore it during the photoshoot, I was moved to see myself in white, and it was the last dress we took in picture…




Anyway, so why “plan B”? I have to admit that I often go on wedding websites and I hear some friends talking about the newest designer who finds her lace in a small village in the North of France that costs the price of a car, for a dress that they only are going to wear once. What an occasion you would say! However, I clearly understand why girls want to put the price in a dress like this, because I kind of have the same problem with shoes… However, more than a price, there is also a hard work behind these dresses and I am not confortable with that. I know that you cannot have one without the other! For me, these designer dresses are Haute Couture and I am Sammy in Scooby-Doo. I am sure that I will stumble with my dress, rip the silk tulle and spill a glass of wine on me. Despite all the respect I have for the craftsmen and their know how, I am not able to wear a designer dress for my wedding. It is not that I do not want to but because firstly I cannot afford it and secondly even if I could, I know that my Gaston Lagaffe karma would never leave my dress alone that did not ask anything to anymore, or maybe except to be worn by Gwyneth Paltrow.




For this reason, I imagined a waxcloth wedding dress! Just kidding. I imagined the Lolita dress as your plan B dress because you are maybe not as clumsy as I am but your grand uncle Roger after drinking too much probably is. Moreover, when your bridesmaids and your mom are going to clean your dress with salt and Marseille soap, you will not have to wait your dress to dry and your Wear Lemonade plan B dress, created by yourself with love, your grandmother or a local tailor, will be ready for you.




Lolita can also be your plan A dress, I would be so honoured if it were the case! Or even the bridesmaids’ dress… Or the navy blue one can be the dress you are going to wear at the office next week… Save the date! Next Friday at 10am to adopt the Lolita pattern (only the pattern for this time)! We also have a super nice partner: Singer, that will offer you the chance to win a €849 sewing machine. How? In one of the 250 patterns, you will find a golden ticket!

I send you big kisses and see you all very soon!

I would like to thank again Pauline Darley for the pictures, Emilio and Cyrielle for the makeup and Louboutin for these love shoes!

Translated by Coralie Clair 

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici !

01 juillet, 2015 — lisa gachet


3 copie


Hello designers!

Here is a new post in the tips section because summer is coming and some additional tips are always welcomed so that you can successfully realize your projects! Today, Lisa and I are going to guide you step by step about the following question: “What can I do with my pattern?” To make it simple: you receive your first pattern, you are like a little kitty and you are wondering what a “straight grain” is or how to cut the different pieces, so here you will find the answer. As a bonus, we tried to give multiple possibilities for each step, for those in a hurry… or those who take their time!



Translated by Coralie Clair

Pour lire ce post en français, cliquez ici!

30 juin, 2015 — lisa gachet