Hello my darlings! As I am writing, the studio is bubbling with excitement to see you tonight! Here’s my last article on Athens! It’s a kind of special article, since it’s been awhile since I’ve wanted to do something like this! I hope that you’ll like it as much as I liked Athens! I’d like to thank Noémie, a reader­turned­friend that helped me navigate this city, and not miss out on anything! Obviously, this is about the top things to do, but please go ahead and add to the list in the comments! We stayed for three days (two nights) before returning to Paris... Going back was difficult because we loved this city, it was really a good idea to finish with Athens, going gradually back to urban life. I read in your comments on Instagram that you had mixed emotions about the city, but I loved it as much as Lisbon, it’s a little run down and frozen in time and I like that. I’ve rarely eaten so well, when you’re in love everything tastes better! If you’d like to read my first article on Santorini, here it is, for an article on Crete, it’s here, and as for the Facebook album with all the trip’s pictures, you can click here. Thanks to Noémie for her advice! Here are my top picks:
History class on the Acropolis. As for number one, because I think it’s really cool: learn a bit of history! It gives me chills just to think about it, it’s obviously very crowded but the walk there and the area around it is neat.
Have breakfast on the Grande Bretagne Hotel’s rooftop. I suggest you go have breakfast on the Grande Bretagne Hotel’s rooftop, or have a drink there at sunset, it has one of the best views of the city.
Run 4000m in the first olympic stadium. As a gym teacher’s daughter, I couldn’t pass up on seeing the first olympic stadium of modern games to pay tribute to Pierre de Coubertin and his friends. There aren’t a lot of tourists, it’s huge and beautiful.
Watch the sunset on the Areopagus hill. Another great spot to watch the sunset, with a six pack in tow. Climb up the Areopagus hill and watch the show.
Get lost in the little streets of Plaka. After getting comfy, once you’ve visited the ruins of the acropolis, get lost in the little streets around the Plaka neighborhood!
Go for a walk in the national park. If it’s really hot out, I suggest you visit the national park. Loving gardens, I really liked this one, a bit wild in some places and some shade won’t hurt!
Eat ice cream made with greek yogurt. Enjoy a yogurt cone at any ice cream shop... we ate quite a few and all of them were great, but if you have a favorite address, let us know in the comments!
Have a drink at the Six Dogs. As a lover of aperitifs, I think that this hidden bar was one of our best finds during the trip... I’ll leave it at that, I’m sure you’ll like mixing with the locals.
Go to the plein air theater. In the city, there are several plein air movie theaters, if you’re fortunate you might find an American movie, otherwise watch a Greek one and let yourself be lulled by their smooth accent...
Get customised Melissinos sandals. Very touristy but it’s so chic to get some gladiator shoes custom made at Melissions! Like Jackie O’ and Audrey Hepburn!
Translated by Whitney Bolin
24 février, 2016