“Hello, you’ve reached the Lemonade Studio, how may I help you? – Summer’s over... – Impossible! I still have as many circles under my eyes as in May...”
No, it can’t be true! If I have bags under my eyes, it’s because of this stupid heatwave! It was freezing until July, and then when summer finally came around, it was like baking in an oven. I don’t want to complain... well, maybe just a little bit? Everyone wanted nice weather, but ended up with sticky legs glued to our vinyl desk chairs. Be careful what you wish for. Let’s be more reasonable and ask for more... temperate... weather, rather than wishing too much for it to be hot! Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it...
What if we pushed back summer vacation in August and in September? And what if we opened Christmas presents January 24th, would that be more appropriate? I’m perfectly fine with that, I’d love to keep doing summer looks for another month. I’d like to share a look with you this Monday, a summer dress that can be dressed down with a silk scarf in your hair, with a pink bomber jacket over your shoulder and a pair of blue pastel espadrilles. Nice n’ sweet, hey, I told you I wanted to take it easy...
Today’s the day to go back to school and work for some of you, others may still have a some more time. Over the past month, even if our brains were a bit slow, I’m sure that you’ve been thinking things over between two glasses of rosé. You probably thought that you should make more tomato salads, leave the kids with the sitter at least once a week, take some time off for yourself, go away for the weekends from time to time, read one book a week, walk more etc... right? Well, don’t lose sight of your goals under those 1436 unread emails you got while you were away. Stay calm, it’s just the end of summer.

I have goals that are easy to keep: go to the gym more often, have a day to myself on the weekend, go out and try out new places at least once a week with my other half. I’m not setting the bar too high. What’s good about September resolutions is that they only last four months, until you make new ones in January... So let’s get right to it, it’s still nice and (way too) hot out, everything will be okay! Rather than jumping out the window at the thought of making coffee at the office, do something different than last year and have fun! Smile, it’s time to get back to work!

A big thanks to the Panache Hotel for having Olitax and me for this look. I’m wearing Castaner espadrilles, a Show Me Your Mumu lace dress (I know it’s a really weird brand name, don’t ask me where I got it!), a pink Do It Myself bomber jacket made with the Rosa Wear Lemonade pattern (the pattern will be back in stock soon, you can sign up for restocking alerts)... and a Chanel silk scarf that I got during this amazing trip!
Translated by Whitney Bolin