Happy Friday #41

Soo, as it is FREEZING cold outside (thank youuu SPRING 2013) I will not give up my fur coat made of giraffe/dalmatian for today... I did however give up my old-lady like nylon long socks JUST for the picture and I ran straight to the nearest radiator afterwards... I hope you had a great week and you will throw yourself body and soul into your weekend! You can be sure that I will stay busy making stuff... Such as decoration for my office and spring cleaning - I think I might be crazy because I love taking care of my home from top to bottom once in a while: to sort things out, to clean the windows, to tidy under the bed, to line up my bobbins and to fold my panties... But don’t get me wrong, regarding the everyday-life cleaning I leave it to my loving boyfriend because I have to tell you something: in fact, I am SO messy that if you leave me in a tidy apartment with as little as a sewing machine, a pair of scissors and some fabric, less than 10 minutes later it is the apocalypse! Anyway, let’s clean I’m sure it will make Spring comes around !




On this freezing friday, I am wearing my coat from Asos already seen here, my fir green sweater with a tiny bit of lurex from Cos, a crazy fuchsia pair of pants that makes me feel on the top of the world from Zara, a pair of Ted Baker stiletto coming straight from the new Sarenza online shop that I talked to you about earlier «the very sexy shoes»... Necklaces, one is good, two is better, and three tell me about it...! Mango, Reine Rosalie and the last one is vintage... 


05 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet




AAAAhhhh, resumption !

This three-days-long weekend was good and I’m sure it was for you as well... Thank you for all of your precious advices, I now have a list as long as my arm to go to the pharmacy and take care of myself! Thanks a lot! 

The other day Mai calls me in a near trance to ask «Have you seen Dries’ ears ?» Err Wtf !? Noo «So go have a look at them!», which I do. I google «Dries Van Noten earrings» and I simply fall in love, in shock actually - how did I miss them ?! I immediately understand the goal of Mai’s call: we HAVE TO make them and fast, before anybody else does the DIY. The race against the clock is launched: supplies, feasibility and timing to see each other...

For the record during the last fashion show of Dries Van Noten, Peter Phillips the genius make-up artist (who loves gluing strass on models generally) had this amazing idea... With surgical glue he glued strass directly on the ears of nine models which is SO cool, so Dries. The beauty and genius of this jewelry reside in its ephemeral nature.

The challenge for us was from this cosmetic happening to make a long-term object that could last for a life or at least a season... We’re talking about creating the earring of the future, that you can put on and off as you like and that would resist to your daily life. I loved our surprise once it was done, we couldn’t get over the COOL of the thing itself.

So here we are with only one question burning my tongue (or my ears) «Dries, can you hear us ?»




To do this DIY, you will need:

  • -  The copy or scan of your ear (yes, your own ear... As if you never did it),
  • -  Strass, any form, any size as long as it comes with settings,
  • -  A small piece of leather,
  • -  Two clips for clip-on earrings,
  • -  Some thread that matches the leather and a leather needle,
  • -  Some hardener paste for fabrics,
  • -  A pair of scissors and a pen.

 To start with, cut the copy of your ear by following the cartilage. You will cut it as you like depending on the shape you want to give to your earring fig. 2 & 3 and even though you’re not convinced about the final shape, you can still change it later. Turn over the piece of leather and, on the verso side, draw with your pen the reverse of your ear pattern fig. 4. Then, cut the leather with the scissors along the black line fig.5. Put the strass on the recto side of the leather to figure out their final space fig. 6 & 7 and take a picture to immortalize it fig.8.




Then with your photographic copy before your eyes, start to embroider the strass: with the thread and the needle, go through the leather first (fasten off with a small knot), then go through the holes of the settings and into the leather again fig. 1 & 2. Keep going with all the strass and don’t tell me it will take you too much time because you’d have 20 strass to sew tops... fig.3 As I was saying earlier, there is a possibility of your earring being less long or of the strass not going completely to the bottom of your leather pattern... If so, simply cut the extra leather showing of your jewel fig.4. Then on the verso side of your earring, fix the clip-on earrings fig. 5 - for the D day we only had shoe clips, which work just fine, but for better comfort I recommend classic clip-on earrings. And then to make ‘the beast’ rigid and strong enough, take a brush and apply the hardener paste on the verso of the leather. Do not hesitate to apply several thin layers to make a very rigid jewel fig. 6 & 7.  Et TA-DA !




Go to Mai’s blog to watch what follows in video ! Oh by the way, what do you think of the DIY in video ? It is more work but I think it is helpful and explanatory, isn’t it ? Although you’d need to be as talented as Mai... (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAI DES BOIS)


DriesMentendsTu? from Supertimai on Vimeo.


02 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet


My White Chocolate Bunnies,


I think that Dieu Météo (or the weather forecast God) heard my prayer from last night because it was sunny today and light came through my windows in my apartment ! Okay okay, it was like -12°C outside but still, it was a good start! I really want to keep going on that sunny path (C’mon Mrs Weather Forecast, a bit more effort!), I want to celebrate Spring like everyone else, I want to roll about on fresh grass, I want to make crown out of daisies, I want to drink liters of beer lemonade by the Canal St Martin... All of it ! Okay maybe I am asking for too much but I’m sure that with as little as one hour outside a café each day (a girl has her needs) I’ll have more energy and resources to do whatever I want. I don’t know about you but I have this feeling of running out of time all the time and the minute I take a break, the guilt is already sitting there... Also I feel like my holidays were such a long time ago already, too long ago maybe ? And during the few months that are between us (my next holidays and I), I don’t really see anything that I could come with to release a little pressure. If I can be completely honest with you the thought of the moment is «I dream about a morning where I’d wake up completely refresh and rested...». So I need you and your tricks to take care of you when everything around you is crazy!? Homeopathy, grandmothers’ recipes, marabout spells or fish pedicures... I’ll take anything from you ! 




Today, I will be a sexy housebreaker: I like the mix of an american apparel hat (+ a pair of clip-on earrings from Reine Rosalie clipped on the hat) and a regular classic Uniqlo black sweater that is sooo warm, with the crazy Tutu, the polka dots tights from Gambettes Box and the lovely Mellow Yellow heels. By the way, heels that you can find on this fabulous new place: La Very Sexy Shoes Boutique from Sarenza, which is an AWESOME best of of the dizziest, the most charming, the most beautiful shoes ever... But you know what ? Do NOT go there, the temptation would actually be too much and you will end up hating me... Or at least your bank account would... (Sorry).

29 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet


Mes petits coeurs au beurre,


I hope your Thursday went well - for me it went at very high speed... I am so frustrated ! I wish I’d do so much more lately... I can’t wait for Spring to appear around the door so my body can get a good dose of vitamin D and everything else... And so my home can be plunged in a gorgeous light that would make me want to take pictures of everything, and my cat would bask into the sunlight on my wooden floor and I’d say «Oh how I love my place!».

I don’t know if you remember but I was looking for an office in Paris and a new flat, and OH JOY! OH MIRACLE ! Life smiled at us and we got lucky because we can stay in our home for 3 more years! Happiness it is, especially because my Love understood that my craving for decoration was getting to invasive therefore he is giving me up a room in our flat so I can make my own office ! Aaaaah la teuf atomique (this is SO AWESOME!) I want to repaint everything and to make tons of DIY about decoration, I want him to make some furnitures so we can then make DIY out of them and you will be able to do DIY with you lover - or with yourself because it is as good when you’re single AND it apparently avoids you to want to kill someone...

Anyway, I really would like decoration to be more present in here as much as men... So we can get a little of «MEC» (french for dude) my lemonade you see... What do you think ? Would you like some testosterone around here ? Well, not too much of course, but I’m quite sure that men could actually like it as well...

So as you can see, desires and ideas are all over the place and you can be sure that I will let you know... Good luck and see you tomorrow ! 




Today I am wearing crazy awesome shoes that make my photographer laugh when I walk down the stairs... Ah Steve Madden... DIM nude tights (at least...), the white DIY Tutu, a super cute shirt from NY (Forever 21), a necklace with big flowers found in a hawker in NY (annoying, I know...) and my fav little jacket from Bershka...


28 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet


My kittens,

 And there is one! A Tutu Look that when I got out of my room with I was told «This is perfectly you...»: Polka dots + Maxi necklace (SO beautiful that it is to-die-for beautiful) + polka dots tights + flat derby shoes and a tutu... Pure Lemonade Essence.

Remember when I talked you through my way of doing maths with a tutu ? This time again - and I think it will be the case with every tutulooks (yes, that is a word now) - I will wear it with something you wouldn’t have think of, as always (we have a french word for that, we say «décaler»). In order to un-dramatize the fallen-ballerina kind of thing, it is better to have a great fun by mixing the codes instead of playing the tutu + flat ballerina shoes + wrap-over top + feather headband card (if you see what I mean...). Because the I-am-ridiculous-with-my-tutu-and-my-discus-thrower-calfs syndrome is not very faraway... Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly not saying that the ballet pupil total look isn’t charming BUT I think that if you’re more than 8 years old, it is important to revise your maths regarding your look...

 Tutuly yours,





Struggling against the wind slapping my face, I am wearing one of my favorite sheepskin and denim jacket from G-Star, a shirt from the association between H&M and Comme des garçons, the newborn of my jewelry collection a necklace from the very talented Galia, and a tutu from Love, tights from Gambettes Box and the killing Georgia Rose derby shoes (go see ‘em up close, they are so gorgeous!)

Love u, see ya tomorrow for a half pin-up girl/half biker look (no less) !

27 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet



Good evening my chestnuts

I officially declare the Week of the Tutu open !

I have to say that I came to ask myself «Am I too old to wear a tutu?» because you see it’s not like I’m still 17, and the time where I wore my first tutu with an old pair of Converse sneakers is quite far in the past already... But since I am not 110 years old either (I knooow you know, but I was afraid I could be ridiculous) and I’d have a blast to do it, I decided that everything else simply doesn’t matter. The part of me that tends to follow the standards is sitting of my right shoulder and is sometimes making me doubt a little bit whereas sitting sprawling on my left shoulder is the absolutely insane part of me and it is taking the lead most of the time and telling me stuff like «Look at Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) in the opening of Sex and the City, she is half naked with a tutu in the middle of NYC and she is 40! You are just»

And a few weeks ago I stumble upon this tutu on pinterest and I thought «Okay, let’s do it!» and here we are ! And I will even try to rally you to my point by showing you 4 different styles with a tutu, to be continued...

You’ll see that I simplify the steps to a maximum but I cannot reduce them any more to make this tutu, I hope you will enjoy it... And I indulged myself with a white one as well...


DIY tutu 1


To make this tutu in a size MEDIUM you will need: 

  • -  Some lining (a rectangle piece of 160 cm x 60 cm),
  • -  Some very fine tulle (three rectangle pieces of 250 cm x 60 cm),
  • -  An elasticized sequin band that you can find in any funky notion store (I used a 59 cm band here),
  • -  Some strass to sew,
  • -  A pair of scissors, pins, thread and a needle.



To start with, preform a hem with a flatiron along the lining lengthwise (160 cm) and if you want to refresh your memory on how to do it you can watch this video. Then with the help of the pins, fix the hem fig. 2 and sew it with your sewing machine fig. 3. On the opposite length of the lining, sew two very parallel seams lengthwise - you just did the thread for the pleats fig. 4 ! Too easy I know... Now you will pull the two threads while pushing the fabric in the opposite way, and now you are gathering fig. 5.

Now, I will advise to use a measuring tape to measure your hip size (and yes, it is useful!) - let’s say your hip size is X cm, you have to uniformly spread the pleats along X cm fig. 6. Now grab your tulle and do the same with the three pieces: you don’t have to do the hem but just sew a first seam lengthwise fig. 7 and another very parallel to the first one fig. 8.


diy tutu 2 

Once you’ve done the two seams very parallel, start gathering all the tulle bands over the X cm of your hip size - you are making the flounces of your tutu... fig. 1 Then set down flatly the lining and the flounces of tulle, all of the same X cm length fig. 2 and with the pins, fix the flounces and the lining together fig. 3 and sew everything with the sewing machine fig. 4. Now, grab you elasticized sequin band - but wait: you’re now asking me how to do with 59 cm of sequin band and X cm of hip size ? It’s easy, you start sewing the band to your tutu and you gently pull the elasticized band for it to be able to go to the X cm of your hip size. Everything will be fine, don’t worry fig. 5.

Finish with the sewing of the end of the tutu on the reverse side, knowing that you have to sew all the flounces and the lining in once. And TA-DA ! You have your own tutu and you may now proceed to its customizing with strass.

Grab the thread matching your tulle color and your needle, and sew a stitch. Then thread the strass in your needle fig. 6 and sew it on the tutu fig. 7. Make a knot and start again with another one... Too easy right ? Take a sit in front of a TV show (like Sex and the City) and patiently embroider your strass! And TA-DA (for real this time !) fig.8.




Tutus and cats are kind of the story of my life...



25 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy Sunday les chatons des bois jolis,

There are days sometimes where I’m bad. I don’t seem to be able to do anything or to be happy with what I’ve done, so I don’t want to force anything. That’s why there was no DIY about jewelry yesterday BUT I’m very close, I can feel it. There is a little something that would make the difference missing... So I keep working on it, it’s coming I’m not worried.

I wanted to say THANK YOU again and again for all the torrent, the flood of love you sent me for the announcement of the publication of «Make my Party!». Thank you it was galvanic, I was like drunk by all this love and I was jumping about and spinning in love as if it was the beginning of a love story... 

I’ve heard it will be worst when I have it into my hands... I’ll probably cry or shout, or roll about it, or all of the three at the same time ! Then I’ll be locked in a straitjacket for sure. To be completely honest with you I have to say I am so worried about this very moment -because I have no idea of how I’d react - that I asked Mai to be there, on the D day, to open the parcel with me and immortalize it! 

Well! Back to our subject. I have needs! I want colors, I want to quit my tights and, after all this time working inside my flat as if it was a covent, I want to get dressed. You knoow I want to think about it for a long time, to mix things together with clothes everywhere on my bed, me trying on everything in front of my bathroom mirror and thinking «Ah, that look is good, I have not to forget it». Pleasee tell me you do that as well, that would make me feel a little less lonely... I started to do that in High School, the night before going back to school and these fitting sessions became like a ritual in my life every time it was the end of an era... Another memory from my childhood just came by: I used to frenetically cut every mail order catalog in order to create the look I was fantasizing about, a pair of pants there, a blouse here... I had notebooks full of silhouettes from La Redoute with items my mum didn’t want to order, a bit like a late trend book... Yes because I was of course not allowed to cut the ongoing catalog, I had to wait for the new one to come to be able to rush onto the old one, a pair of scissors between my teeth, ready to cut the last pair of Barbie sneakers... Thanks Mum ! 



So today I’m wearing a trenchcoat from Ellos, I was looking for one with a nice fabric and a short length (and a price that wouldn’t kill my bank clerk) for a long time. A cute loose sweater La Redoute creation, a shirt from Selected, my well-known Mango necklace, a pair of straight jeans from Levi’s that make an awesome ass, Steve Madden stilettos and a cuddle scarf from La Redoute.


24 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet


Hello Kittens ! 

I’m back ! And if I wasn’t there it was not by lack of will because I have like a thousand of ideas in my head and some topics I really want to talk to you about, but because I forced myself to a strong self-discipline in order to finish «Make my Party». So here is the preview  of my little baby, of my beauty, of the reason I don’t sleep at nights anymore... (well, of the cover!) It will be available around mid May and will contain 25 exclusive DIY about making a Party but also 10 recipes, patterns, templates and more surprises. But you can be sure I will talk about it when it comes. While we’re all waiting, I’ll make a DIY contest about jewelry for tomorrow, and a nice look for sunday... And to make it up to you I am making a special Week about Tutu... So we can celebrate our reunion !




22 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet

Diptyque x Make My Lemonade

01_Dip_L'eau du 34_02 3013


A few days after the Milk and Chanel event, Alexandre R. contacted and offered me to draw tiny Diptyque 34 boulevard St Germain stores to create the windows of their new perfume «L’eau du 34» (I’ll come back to that), but also a small gift to give to their customers and internet users. I smiled, thought about it for like a nano second and obviously said yes. So here is the story of our collaboration. It is the first time I am part of such a great team on a project, with such passionate and efficient service providers. As you understand I am thrilled and I hope that you will like that project as much as I liked working on it. 



Let me tell you a bit more about the story of 34 because it really worths it. This perfume is the unlikely marriage of all the olfactory prints from the candles, eaux de toilettes and even the waxed old wood from the furnitures in the store. This great idea to put this legendary store of the 34th, Boulevard St Germain into a perfume is signed Olivier Pescheux, perfumer for Givaudan.


06_Dip_L'eau du 34_02 3013


 And two years later in 2013 there was a revelation about an obvious thing: the smell of the store changes with the seasons, the different flowers in store, the arrival of Spring... Therefore after the success of «34 Saint Germain», the will to offer a new face to this perfume was born at Dyptique with «L’eau du 34». I will leave it to your appreciation... It is a perfume for everybody with a little bit of frivolity that reaches me somehow... 


diptyque 1


And the cherry on the candle is that I made you a pattern of the Diptyque store to make it yourself and you can download it ICI. Of course I would advise to print it on a thick paper, velum would be perfect and if your printer lets you do it, print it on blotting paper and spray some perfume on the non-printed side to diffuse a delicious smell in your home.


diptyque 2

12 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet



Happy Monday kitties,

It is finally the last recipe with le Club Med Gym. I made it last longer because I didn’t want the collaboration to finish quite yet. For the last one, you’re gonna think it’s not a very bikini-friendly recipe... But it was not the point of it, I wanted an apotheosis of fruits and Chantilly cream, as well with a wink to a vegetable... A huge cake because you also have to treat yourself, and if you’re feeling guilty too much you can still run to the gym to burn the calories you’re about to eat in this cake ! Which is by the way not so sugary but mostly gourmet, and that is not the same thing... I hope you enjoyed the collaboration, I was pleased to make my vegetables move and to imagine gourmet recipes that are also good for our behinds! I also wanted to mention that in this month french Glamour magazine, there are 3 of my fashion cakes recipes. As for today I take the same base as in the jungle/Kenzo carrot cake but slightly modified with pecan nuts (I’m crazy about them!). Incidentally I already made a carrot cake recipe remember? But there are both very different. I will let you do the crash test but just so you know, for such a cake with levels like this one, I’d advise this recipe over the first one !




For this cake you will need:

  • -  375 g freshly grated carrot
  • -  2 eggs
  • -  110 g sugar
  • -  150 g flour
  • -  Half a pack of baking powder
  • -  15 cl sunflower oil
  • -  100 g pecan nuts
  • -  25 g raisins
  • -  Zest and juice of an orange

Preheat the over at 180°C. Firstly, put the raisins in the orange juice and the zest in a small bowl. While they swell, beat the eggs and the sugar altogether until you have a  frothing mix. Add the oil to the mix and keep beating energetically then add carrots, flour and baking powder. At the last minute, add pecan nuts and the mix raisins/orange. Pour into two small foldable molds formerly buttered and floured and put in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes. 




For the icing:

  • -  20 cl whipping cream
  • -  35 g powdered sugar
  • -  150 g Philadelphia
  • -  Lots of fruits!




For the icing and the stuffing, whisk the very cold cream and add the powdered sugar little by little. Once the Chantilly is firm enough, add the Philadelphia. Once your carrot cakes are cooked and cooled down, remove them from the mold and with a long knife divide them into 2 discs widthwise. Once your two cakes are cut you have 4 discs of carrot cake - that’s good.

Now between each disc you spread a generous layer of icing, and on the top, you put 3 tablespoons of icing that you will spread in a sort that you will only leave 1cm of the cake visible. Then garnish the top of your cake with fruits! Here I used raspberries, blackberries, red currants, mint, slices of granny smith and of plums and clementines! Enjoy ! 



11 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet

A mouse in the Fashion Week part3

Mes sweethearts,

It was a close call my honey buns, the failure of the blog was like I was missing a limb... If the washing machine is stubborn, if the sink is blocked up, if I have to become Mario Bros or to put in a shelf with a drill, dowels and everything else, I am not scared a bit. But when it comes to the internet with html codes and DNS servers, I feel like Bill Murray in Lost in translation. And the more I try to understand something, the more I feel like missing the point completely. So, once I got over being powerless, I had to find someone to handle the crisis during a weekend - I therefore want to thank Romain S. like 5000 times for helping me recover my eyesight (or something similar!).

So, crisis 2.0 handled, here is my little movie about New York and the fashion week with Gemey Maybelline. You’ll see, it was busy (but you knew that already) ! I hope you’ll enjoy it. I have to say that each time I come back from NY I ask myself «When are we going back?» and I know that we always think the grass is brighter next door but damn I would love to live there ! One thing is certain: buildings are higher on the other side of the atlantic ocean... I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend and to ward off the sunday-night-blues, I will leave you to NYC’s company (so you can plan your next holidays ?)

I kindly kiss you!

PS: If you didn’t have enough backstage, make-up and other mouse’s pics, rendezvous on the brand’s tumblr



10 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy Friday honeys !

 Just a quick word to update you with fresh news from the front. Here everything is fine despite the shitty weather - it will not reach me, I am in a powerful phase and I decided not to feel down - and as we say work is good for you! So I’m throwing myself deep into my work (for a change)! I have looots of posts ready for you to read and after 3 months in my life as a freelance, I am finally getting myself organized ! A jewelry DIY isn’t far to thank you for your fidelity and your support emails and comments! And also a special week is coming... And also news, a big contest and soon a new design that I still have to work on... So as you can see I keep myself busy ! I come back soon with nice projects, the end of the NY series and more collaborations that I care about !

 Je vous embrasse !



 Today I’m wearing a sweatshirt by Little fashion gallery - yes yes you did read it right, Little fashion gallery is launching a line of clothes for children from 0 to 10 years old, very in and very cheap ! Don’t panic, I cannot wear a 10-years-old sweatshirt, this one was made especially for the team and I saw my chance to talk to you about it. I’m sure there are mummies among you that would fall for a golden tutu or a sorbet cardigan for their kids. It is also a good address if you have a baby shower or a birthday party and you need a gift.

Back to our Happy friday #40... How time flies! Under this highschooly sweatshirt, I’m wearing my shirt-collar top from COS. I’m also wearing a stolen from Ryan Gosling jacket from Zara and a leopard printed short from Zara as well that I don’t seem to be able to get rid of (it almost went into the last vide dressing suitcase). Opaque tights (yes, I know...) and hobnailed derbies that are a little too gorgeous by Georgia Rose. 


08 mars, 2013 — lisa gachet