TUTO: Flower trio

It's DIY o'clock!

Flowers are everywhere! With the return of the warm weather, we were in the mood for a flowery DIY up to our ears ❤️Vousknow our love of "discreet" B.O.'s... We've made 3 mega-flowers, but you're free to make less, or more, or change the size! Quick and easy to make, this tuto can be declined in as many colors as you have summer dresses 💃💐🌞

👉For this DIY you need:

  • pearls (here, octagonal and hexagonal pearls; for a calmer version, seed beads will do)
  • fine metal wire
  • two earring fasteners
  • round-nose pliers and cutting pliers

👉What to do?

Take a good length of metal wire, about 3 meters. Leave about 15 cm at the end and secure with a loose knot to prevent the beads from escaping. Start by threading 10 beads to the end of your wire. Fold it back on itself, thread it through the 10th bead, tighten: you've got your first petal! Do the same 5 times in a row, threading the thread through the 10th bead each time. Voilà, it already looks like a flower! 🌼 Lock it all in place by pulling the thread tight, making one or two turns around the heart to hold all the beads. Thread 4 beads of another color to make the heart, go underneath, start at 45 degrees so you can come and make like a beaded cross with 4 new beads, coming to lay them on either side of the previous beads. Using pliers, twirl your thread tightly 3 or 4 times under your flower. String a few beads before moving on to the next flower. Here, we've chosen white beads between each flower. Allow between 2.5 cm and 3.5 cm spacing. Then make a new flower, in exactly the same way, with other colors. We've chosen to make 3 different sizes of flower, so if you'd like to do the same, here's the number of beads to use for each:

1st flower (close to the ear): 10 beads, rethread in the 10th

2nd flower (middle): 15 beads, rethread into 15th bead

3rd flower (bottom): 20 beads, rethread into the 20th

Once you've made the last flower, make several discreet turns of wire around the heart to secure it, twist it around itself with the pliers, cut and bend the wire to hide it in the beads. Repeat for the other loop. 

Finally, on the top of your earring, where you'd left about 15 cm free, thread 3 pearls (here, white), then your loop fastener and 3 pearls again. Fold over so that the clasp is clamped between 2 pearls, tighten, twist and cut the thread.