Greetings like no other! Here's a flowery DIY for sending greetings to your loved ones, almost like a gift! Easy to make (we promise), it won't take you long to do and, we guarantee, will have a maxi effect. 🫶

👉For this DIY you need:

  • crepe paper or tissue paper in several colors
  • scissors
  • green glue
  • green wire in 2 thicknesses: thick for flower stems and thin for leaves
  • pistils (optional)
  • green masking tape or green floral tape
  • white masking tape or pretty labels
  • a fine black marker
  • a small box to hold your flowers and send your greetings (available in stationery shops)
  • thin ribbons
  • pins (optional)
  • white featherboard (optional)

Note: you'll find much of this material (especially gorgeous pistils) at @adelineklam, the kingdom of DIY paper flowers! 

👉How to :

Flower n°1 (large flower)

Start by cutting a rectangle of crepe paper, in the direction in which it is most elastic (we'll only use this direction in this DIY). The dimensions are approximately 13 cm x 5 cm. Fold it like an accordion: the width of the accordion should be the width you want for your petals (here, about 2 cm). Make a triangular cut at the top of your fold, as shown in the video. Unfold, and use this mark to cut out your petals one by one, ideally 5. 

Shape your petals by spreading the paper apart thanks to its elasticity. 

Now cut out two rectangles about 3 cm high. Apply glue to these, then place your wire, folded in half, on the first rectangle. Place a few pistils, folded in half, which should be a little higher than the paper to remain visible. Fold over as shown, clamping tightly, and wrap the paper around the pistils and the wire, still holding tight with your index finger, until you reach the end of your paper, which is now rolled up. 🌀 Take the second rectangle and roll it up in the same way. You've got the heart of your flower! 🫶

You can now return to your petals: perfect their shape by refining their base with scissors.

Apply a little glue to the inside of the petals, at the bottom only. Then place them one by one on the heart of the flower, in a staggered pattern, until you have a whole flower. 

For now, don't try to perfect your flower: let it dry! 🌬️

Put a little glue on your floral tape, then starting from the base of the flower, wrap it around the stem, always very (very!) tightly. Twirl, and if you like, add a leaf (see below). 

Once everything is dry, you can now enhance your flower, opening its petals, adjusting them ... 


To create leaves, simply cut two leaf shapes from green crepe paper, then apply glue. Take a piece of thin wire, and place the two shapes in a "sandwich", glued together. Create the stem by covering the wire with green floral tape, tightly wrapped and twisted there too. And...voilà! 🌿

Flower n°2 (small flowers)

Proceed almost identically, except for a few differences. 

First, cut a shorter, lower rectangle, so that the flower is logically smaller. Choose paper as thin as possible.

When making a cut in accordion-folded paper, make a rounded cut, not a triangular one. 

Then, when you unfold the accordion, don't cut out the petals but leave it as it is, like a ribbon. Put some glue at the bottom and roll it little by little around the heart of the flower. There's no need to use rectangles for the center, as the flower is very light and the pistils are enough to hold it together. 

For the rest (stem, leaves, etc.), proceed in the same way as for flower no.1. As here, you can make two flowers on the same stem, joining them with floral tape. Finally, when everything is dry, you can carefully open your flowers, which will then bloom like magic! 🪄


Add the finishing touches: a pretty knotted ribbon, a handwritten label with your sweet words, and finally a pin or two stuck into the flowers, very useful for holding everything together! To perfect the look and give it an entomologist's touch, cut a small sheet of white featherboard the size of your box and slide it into the bottom: you can now easily pin your flowers to it, which will look all the more raised, as if suspended.

And ... TA-DA!!! 💜 Now you can add a pretty scotch tape to close your box, write the address on it and ... send your wishes!