My little chickens,

I'm back from a short stay on the coast, between sunny breaks and torrential downpours, all pretexts for delicious, restorative naps! And I needed it! I can tell you that I'm back in great shape... with a thousand ideas and pumped up for my BIG trip to the Americas to prepare lots of surprises for back-to-school! I've got boxes of projects, sweet collaborations for your eyes, and more surprises (and gifts, who knows?). I'm declaring this week "Yeah Beach" open (ahah yes, like the bikini festival...), to give you inspiration for those of you who are planning your vacations, and to cheer up those of you who don't have the chance to go away... And for those of you who are already there: no comment!


I'm told there'll be another contest for the 2000 likes.... I'm just saying! Sunny bacis!

July 16, 2012