

Hello my little cats!

I'm writing to you today to tell you about the famous collaboration with the eyewear manufacturer Jimmy Fairly ! Not because I've lost my old pair of Lemon, but because... the first edition in September drove you crazy! The pink and mirror sunglasses, and the scales, were quickly adopted by your little noses... And since the day of the breakup, many of you have been writing to us to ask if there would be more. Well no, the principle of the limited edition is that when there are none left, that's it...




So we thought, why not reissue them in completely exclusive acetates? Not two pairs, but four, in small, collector's quantities (yes, collector's quantities...). To tell you the truth, I only wanted to make 3, but I couldn't decide between two acetates, one darker than the first version and one slightly glittery ("glitter forever"). I asked for your opinion on Instagram and no majority emerged, so since we were on the same wavelength, we listened to you and made the 2...




So, full of excitement, I'm officially announcing the return of Lemon chez Jimmy Fairly !

  • In dark scales, a good basic! In sight or brown sunglasses.
  • In glittery scales, for a little twist, with sunglasses or eyewear...
  • Majorelle blue scales, my personal favorite, also available as a sight or sunglasses version.
  • And in granite acetate, only for sunglasses with grey mirrored lenses!

Once again, I wanted to come up with a little something extra. Last time, I wanted to create an illustration on the packaging, but this time I wanted to offer you a real little object. In fact, with every purchase of a pair of glasses, we'll give you a little notebook to match your glasses, stamped with little mantras that are dear to us at the studio. 




So, birds, I hope you like this latest edition of Lemons... Because it's the last! This mini collection is available for 10 days exclusively at the new boutique rue Montorgeuil ! And afterwards in all other boutiques and on the e-shop for the sweet price of 99€.




In the meantime, since you're the best, you can win your very own pair of Lemon by leaving us a comment at the end of this article! We're often spoiling you these days around here... To enter it's pretty simple, as usual we want to hear from you. Tell us how you feel when you wear glasses, and tell us which pair is your favorite! For me, when I wear glasses, I feel like Vera in Scoubidou, as if I'd won the neuron lottery instantly, maybe because I suddenly see everything so clearly... So tell me about it! I'll also draw lots with the Happy Friday post! Big news for Friday. Hugs and kisses to you all! To your keyboards! 

Thanks to Lydie for the superb photos and for this sweet moment spent together, you can find her work here here ! Thanks also to the entire Jimmy Fairly !

The lucky winner of the contest is Djelissa La Binocle, please send us an e-mail at [email protected]

April 15, 2015