Happy Wednesday every body!

I'm so excited to show you this little DIY, I'm in creative form right now! I love hijacking a mass-market product such as H&M to make a UNIQUE necklace for you! As you may know, I'm not much of a trend follower, and all this pastel and neon stuff doesn't inspire much confidence in me... I prefer to pick and choose here and there... As with water green, neon pink isn't a question of fashion, but of love. For years I've been looking for neon pink shoes, ribbon, crockery... I find that it sets off anything a little classic. But I confess, I like it as a touch (happy friday coming up will surely prove me wrong...) and not as a total look... yes I love this color but the prospect of looking like a stabilo leaves me perplexed. Even if I'm capable of the worst with prints, I'd still rather make you lose a tenth of an ounce with each eye than make you epileptic or worse, fluophobic...


For this DIY, you'll need:

  • -An h&m necklace,
  • -A can of fluorescent pink, + a white one (optional)
  • - 20 neon pink fabric circles (7 cm diameter),
  • around twenty small rosebud-like pendants and metal parts
  • - thread, needle and painter's tape.
Before you start sewing, it's time to paint! I recommend protecting the upper metal and textile parts with painter's tape (easier to remove)...(fig.2). In a place protected from any potential paint splashes, curve your necklace. To make the pink brighter, I applied a first coat of white, but if you don't have any white, there's nothing to stop you from applying 2 coats of pink, but I must insist on one point: let each coat air-dry for half an hour before continuing (fig.3 &4). Once your necklace is WELL DRY (we get it....), take your fabric disks and fold them in 2 and then in 4 (fig.5&6) and STITCH them into the center of the necklace, the little pearls/dots are already attached with embroidery. However, if you wish to customize a necklace other than this one, it's possible with any other base, you can fix the fabric petals between the rhinestones or by ironing in the beads etc... Back to us, for the beginning, fix in the center a necklace, however for the continuation, you can continue by passing the needle and thread, in the "beads / dots" and finish by fixing firmly by center (fig.7&8).

I could have stopped there, but I love these little charms.... as for the petals, fix the beginning of your thread in the center of the necklace with a simple seam ( fig.1). Then pass your needle through the pearls ( fig.2) and intersperse piècettes / roses / piècettes ... as in figure 3, finish as you started with a seam in the center of the necklace. And TADAM!!! (fig.4)

And to speed things up, here's a little gif to sum it all up...

May 16, 2012