
Hello kittens! 

A new opus from Les gens bien! With Fanny B...
Fanny, Fanny... Where to start? I'm often told that I go by instinct, that I'm too emotional... Unfortunately, I don't know how to do things any other way, and that applies everywhere, both in my work and in my encounters! And blogging is a wonderful way to meet people! One day, I took the courage from my fingertips to type on my keyboard, and asked Fanny Boucher for an interview. We both said we were shy when we first exchanged messages, and then we finally saw each other, and saw each other again and again and again. If I'd been 7, I'd have asked her if she'd like to be my friend, but I'm 27, so things take a bit longer. In the end, thanks to a lot of breakfasts and studio visits, we got to know each other. 


So there you go. I met Fanny mainly because I was looking for wedding rings that wouldn't cost a mortgage, but I still wanted something different and, above all, beautiful. My friend Lili (another "nice person") told me to check out her friend Fanny's website: Gemmyo. "It's gorgeous and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for". Gemmyo rings a bell, but then it slips my mind until I come across the famous pink kitten from the brand's ads in the metro, and then I think Eureka my little cat, there's bound to be a ring for me on that site.  

I met Fanny for her rings, but in the end I fell for Fanny, for her background, for her strength, for her ideas, for her words and her wisdom. She talks about patientencShe tells me all about Gemmyo, the brand she founded with Charif, Malek and Pauline; she is the creative heart of the brand. For those who haven't heard of it, Gemmyo is the jeweller that's taking the gem market by storm. On the site, you buy virtual jewels that are made to order in France, and when you receive the jewel, it's even more beautiful in real life than on your screen, because you've bought a 3D image, a magnificent 3D, but a 3D nonetheless! So Gemmyo is a jeweller that doesn't keep a stock of precious stones in its drawers for years on end: the jewels are always extra fresh! And now you're going to say, "What about the sizes? They send a free ring gauge to your address so you can measure your little fingers and place your order! In short, I'm a fan, and I'm sure you'll be seeing my wedding ring on my finger very soon, with every step of my next DIY! And another little extra, you can engrave a sweet word inside your rings...

  •  - "Important question": Can you tell us about your background? 
I did a preparatory course (hypokhâgne and khâgne) at a top Parisian lycée. I was very unhappy there, but I stayed anyway! After 3 years, 2 of which were spent debating German philosophy, I felt like putting my brain on pause and putting my senses to work. I left to travel in India with some girlfriends. And I stayed. For seven years. I literally fell into the stones. I landed totally by chance, ragged after returning from Kashmir by bus, at the Gem Palace, Jaipur's legendary jewelry store. I worked there for a winter, and then there was no question of leaving: I was too happy there. Concretely, my job was to be the "eyes" of designers sourcing in India: I would choose the stones for them, appraise them, and spend my days in the workshops following the production of the jewels. After a few years, I started designing my own pieces and launched my own brand, Honorine Jewels. I studied gemology too, and then 4 years ago I co-founded Gemmyo. I started out just looking after the stones, and then last year my partners asked me to be Creative Director. We didn't have one, and we wanted to give Gemmyo a soul.
  •  - "Question grand écart": It's only a short step from philosophy to precious stones?

Yes, or a somersault? I said goodbye to the real thing to devote myself to the beautiful. Which would inspire my old khâgne classmates to write an irresistible dissertation part 3: what if it's by looking for the beautiful that we arrive at the true? There are philosophers and religious schools of thought who say yes. And so do I.

  • -Analytical question: in the end, weren't precious stones a sparkling way out? If you'd gone to Mongolia at that time of your life and been offered the chance to raise sheep, wouldn't you have become a virgin wool producer?

I often ask myself that question! If I'd gone to Brazil, would I be running a pousada in Jericoacoara today? The game is endless, and all the more fun when accompanied by a few moscow mules. In fact, although I'm very Cartesian, I have to confess something: even before arriving in Jaipur, I knew I was going to be here for a while. A strange certainty drew me to this city, as if it had already been written.

  • - Guru Question: What inspires you most in life? What's your mantra? 
Beauty! It doesn't inspire me, it nourishes me. If you unplug the perf, I'll wither away.
  • "If you had the time to learn new things, what would you like to do?

I'd start by getting my driver's license.

  • - "Question sky is the limit": What's the craziest piece of jewelry you've ever made? 
Oversized diamond "polki" earrings that fall to the shoulder and blend into the hair: sublime! I bought them from a very unusual Indian friend.
  • "Trick question: What's the worst present anyone could ever give you?

A solitaire.

  • "Unasked question: What question (never asked) would you like to be asked?
I admit that I get asked a lot of questions, and since I talk a lot, and I'm passionate about my work, it's hard for me to imagine what other question I might be asked.
  • "Proust's madeleine question: What is your first memory of jewelry?

 My mother's gold necklace, which she let me play with despite the admonitions of her jeweller, who had to repair it constantly.

  • "Peter Pan question: What did you want to do as a child?

I had no idea. I'm very envious of people who knew very early on what they wanted to do and were able to devote all their energy to getting there.

  • "If you had to take just one object with you to the moon, what would it be?

The keys to the rocket?

  • "Question Madame Soleil: Where do you see yourself in 10 years' time?

I'll be living between a very big city and a pink house by a lake with my German husband, my blue-eyed children and my mini ponies. I'll be designing jewelry in my ultra-modern studio and going to India once a year to have my stones cut. I'll have 40s rings on every finger, a bookcase lined with ikat, and thanks to an AI transplant, I'll have learned Italian and Farsi. And I'll be telling my kids about the days when we were glued to this oh-so-retro thing called Instagram.

If you're not yet ready to take the plunge and buy jewelry on the Internet, you can try Gemmyo jewelry in their showroom, whose windows we designed last month, remember! 


And because they're so cool at Gemmyo, they're offering you the chance to win the ring! Ischia pink gold ring with the little flowers. For your chance to win this adorable jewel, please leave a comment below this article describing your fantasy ring! Use your imagination, the results will be posted on Monday at 10 a.m. below this article! 

Thank you all for your participation! Drum roll: the winner of the super Ischia is Idoia and her ring full of memories and emotions. Please write to [email protected] to ensure you receive your precious ring as soon as possible.

To read this post in English, click here!

October 16, 2015