In 2012, I started a blog. This Make My Lemonade blog, a lifestyle blog that talked a lot about Do it Yourself and fashion. From 2012 onwards, Make My Lemonade also became my new identity, a cyber christening for me, I became "the Make My Lemonade chick". Make My Lemonade is a part of my personality, the one I decided to expose.

In 2015 I decided to live my dream and develop the universe created on the blog, in the real world, by setting up a brand of clothes to buy ready-made but also to sew yourself : Wear Lemonade. And so many of you have encouraged me and followed me in this crazy challenge. You've given me a superpower, the power of community and the folly of believing that nothing is impossible when you give yourself the means to work as hard as you do, dream big and always do things with authenticity and truth.

And along the way, the names Make My Lemonade and Wear Lemonade have often merged, despite my wishes... I've often heard people (well-intentioned, I know) call the brand : Wear My Lemonade, We Are Lemonade,  Make my Wear... You can imagine how hysterical it made me feel more than once, like someone was spelling my baby's name. But what an idea to choose such similar sounds...

So it was clear that the message had to be simplified. What's more, with the opening of the boutique very soon, where the whole Make My Lemonade universe will be present, where Do it Yourself will be widely celebrated, and where the clothing brand will be developing the home and lifestyle universe, it seemed obsolete to keep the "Make My Lemonade" logo. WEAR.

And yet at the end of 2017, I already knew I had to simplify the message: Make My Lemonade, Wear Lemonade, Lemonade Studio, Lemonade Shop... Heads were going to be cut! And I told myself I was going to keep just the Wear Lemonade brand name, and kill everything else. I talked a lot about it but I didn't do anything about it, and that's not like me at all. To do nothing. But sometimes the whirlwind of life prevents you from taking a step back, and one day I realized that if I couldn't make that decision, it wasn't the right thing to do. I couldn't kill Make My Lemonade... Nonsense! Then I realized that there was no point in trying to compartmentalize and put everything into boxes, because that's what Make My Lemonade is all about: it's a whole, a universe, and it overflows when you color.

I wasn't going to make part of my cyber identity disappear either... But by the end of 2017 I was tired of the internets and social networks, I felt I didn't have my place and that I had to justify all my choices. I wanted to talk about my brand because it had become my daily life, my livelihood and that of more than 10 people, but I couldn't be free. I had the impression that Instagram had become a long tunnel of advertising, and it was all I could see. I wanted to talk about my favorite pieces, my favorites, but I was afraid it would only feed the sponsored landscape.

And then I'm not alone anymore, the Make My Lemonade team is Laure, Simoné, Cécile, Maria, Maya, Ana, Philippine, Noémie, Julien, Ophélie and soon Mathilde and Louis... So it was time to prioritize the things I share with you... I'm taking over Wear Lemonade's Instagram account on a personal basis "Lisa Gachet", I'll be sharing my daily life with you with my adventures as an entrepreneur, gardener's apprentice, my travels and my love cats...

What's in it for you? Not much, actually. The Url change will take place at the end of August. On Instagram we're all very keen to show you more often the underbelly of things, the store's construction site, collection backstages, interviews with inspiring people and DIYs in story format because it seems you've loved it!

Hugs to you, more than ever Make My Lemonadement vôtre.


Thank you to Romain Chirat for this new identity!

August 12, 2018