
Hello my little chestnuts! 

Well, it's been a long time since you've been my little chestnuts! Today I'm here to tell you about the big change in our lives... Our very own office, just for us. Because in our previous 40 m2 home, while we had all the sublet space, we didn't have the whole of the big office, and above all we were in a hallway... It feels like only yesterday that I was writing to you about our offices, and yet so far away in the internet year! 

Almost yesterday because it was February... But life has accelerated significantly in recent months with the arrival of a crack team, and Wear Lemonade. It's completely new for me, to be so much! For 2 years, I've been alone, and now there are 5 of us. I know I mention this a lot, but it's a real revolution: the blog will be 4 years old next March, and just looking back makes me dizzy. So I'm looking forward. Sitting in one of the corners of this new office of mine, and I smile, I have the impression that there, near the window, next to the radiator, I'll never be a bad student... It's as if the prospect of 100 m2 gave me the impetus to do great things, suddenly nothing seems impossible with all this space. It's as if this office were a metaphor for what's going on in my head, and right now I can tell you that I'm making leaps and bounds because there's room for new dreams! 

So obviously it's not something I could have afforded before, for lack of means and needs, but I think it was the right time for us, it's not dangerous, I'd say it's daring! 

We're in the middle of a major renovation, and I really feel like a parent preparing the children's bedroom, with each of us having our own space... There's also a large entrance that my boyfriend and I painted over the weekend, an entrance in our colors to welcome you when you come to pick up your orders, without you arriving in the chaos of the office... And then imagine the Workshops we're going to do here, madness! 

I'll leave you to get the paint out of my hair... And don't worry, I'll be showing you more than this poor little preview very soon! 

Hugs and kisses! 



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August 16, 2015