It is with barely contained emotion that I write this post... 2057 likes this morning on facebook so it's decided, every 1000 ( can you believe it!?) I'm going to give you a chance to win a DIY... I'm sure this pace will slow down, but let's make the most of it! And today, as well as winning you the "Louis Vuitton" bag, you'll also be able to win the Etsy vacation notebook (so cool!) with lots of DIYs, lemonade recipes from the all-too-strong "j'veux être bonne"and lots of other things to keep your little fingers busy during the vacations (even if you don't win: go to the esty's blogthere are plenty of other surprises every day...) I'll tell you an anecdote about the scale of the "thing" the other evening, after giving in to the call of the Mexican down the street... We were sitting on the terrace when a very pretty woman came towards us, determined and laughing out loud (my lover said: who is she? she knows us, but I can't remember who she is...) and I fluttered around with my nose in the wind, not even knowing what he was talking about... And then the shock, the extreme blush: "I've just read your latest post, I'm following your blog, you've got to keep going!" she runs off... OH MY GOD! Ok ok, everything's fine, just breathe, just long enough for me to come to my senses (and for my lover to laugh at me properly). She comes back like a fairy on her bike and we chat, she's so cool! All this to say that it's great to meet you... 2000 Thank you, you're the best! to win this bag, it's easy: just leave me a little comment! kisses!

EDIT: I'm new to contests, but this one's open until Friday evening!

To make this DIY, you'll need....
  • A leather hide or even very thick transparent oilcloth...
  • A cutter (preferably new...) or an exacto (a kind of small scalpel)
  • Thick thread (cord) and a leather needle (so much simpler...)
  • green scotch glue
  • and the pattern you've downloaded HERE!

As you'll see, it's a super-easy DIY, you just have to be patient - yes, it's a bit long, but most of you are on vacation... Start by transcribing the pattern on the skin (on the back, it's better) fig.2 & 3. Then draw the other parts of the pattern so that your bag is in one piece fig.4. You'll have to be clever, and think about the rest of the bag before drawing the first part...

Now you've cut your bag, the bottom reinforcement and the handles fig.1. Now it's time to get down to business: sit back and relax in the sun, or make it a rainy-day activity... Get out your chopping board and cut out each little square fig.2. I can tell you're freaking out, but to be honest it took me a good two hours, plus I was watching movies, so if I can do it.... you can too, I promise. Once you've got your whole bag openworked, glue the various reinforcements and place them on the bag fig. 4 & 5. Finish the first part of the bag by hand-stitching each side (indicated on the pattern). AND TADAM you've got a bag with holes!

 To finish off your bag, so as not to lose any of your belongings, I've prepared a little pouch in beige patterned canvas with a neon pink/orange cord. It's really very, very simple: just cut a 37cm x 70cm rectangle. Fold your rectangle in half lengthwise (i.e. 35cm x2) fig.1. Use your iron to make a first fold (along the whole length) fig.2, then make another fold on the first one, and you've just made a hem! easy, and stitch (for too close to the edge) fig.3. Keep your machine on, and sew the bottom and side of the bag (up to the hem, important for the rest...) Then, using a safety pin, hang your ribbon or cord and slide it into your hem fig.5&6. Turn your pouch inside out, fill it with all your belongings and pop it into your leather bag.... TADA! This is a DIY inspired by the great bag My jelly bag by Louis Vuittona much stiffer bag, inspired by our beach toy bags of yesteryear... aaaah Marc Jacob.... plus you're free to make it bigger, just go to your printer and enlarge the pattern (I've prepared the A4 pattern for you... I know you a little by now).

July 25, 2012