Ludovic Engrand.

A few months ago, almost a year ago, a friend of mine e-mailed Ludovic and me. Ludovic works like a madman for the beautiful Japanese brand shu uemura and whenever he takes a break from his ministerial schedule, he flies off to faraway lands, so it was very complicated to get a few hours with him. I knew deep down that I had to meet him, but I didn't really know what to do, sometimes you just have to let your instincts guide you... So I insisted, and he must have thought I was a madwoman, desperate to get a shu uemura lipstick...

Ludovic Engrand is a man of many faces. He could have been born a Gemini, which wouldn't have surprised me... Ludovic is, by profession, a make-up artist, press and public relations manager for shu uemura and, by passion, an outstanding chef... He didn't tell me, but it's obvious to me, after spending a few hours in his apartment and a handful of hours editing these images, that he's also a collector and lover of beautiful things...

To tell you the truth, when I met him for the first time, in addition to wearing polka-dot pants, he told me he also does make-up on plates... How could I not like him right away?

I'm introducing him today, but he'll be with us all week, opening up his home, his kitchen and his make-up bag to me, so this week he'll be in the spotlight, a sort of special guest, who'll be giving us a recipe, a DIY, a make-up and of course a contest. Yes, with Ludovic, I see things BIG...




  • Question "Madeleine de Proust" What are your first gustatory memories? 

I was four years old, and I remember very well a lunch with my uncle Jean Pierre in a Michelin-starred restaurant, La Table des Cordeliers in Codon. Chef Jean-Louis Paladin welcomed us on a sunny Sunday, and a memory that will stay with me forever: a brioche made especially with tomato butter, ohohohhooho lala, I'd like some more.....

  • Question "Bleu Klein" What are your first beauty memories, your first feelings about a vibrant color? 

In London, during my training at the London College of Fashion, I applied red lipstick to a mouth for the first time. I still remember the pigment crashing onto this pretty mouth under the weight of my brush, and even today, for me, red is the symbol of ultra-femininity.




  • Question "To choose is to give up": Ludovic, if you had to choose just one passion between make-up and cooking, which would it be? and why?

I'm an epicurean by nature, I love beauty, I love the culinary arts, it would be very complicated, both make-up and cooking are my means of expression, making a choice would be a bit like cutting off my arm, I prefer to keep them, ahahahahahahah.

  •  Substitution" question: If you were no longer allowed to cook or do make-up, what would you do?

I've always dreamed of capturing images - I'd be a beauty and food photographer!


  • Question "I'm putting down everything": Some people are left-handed, but you were a left-handed cook. What are the consequences of this in your life today?

I don't get frustrated when I come back from a make-up shoot, I just cook.

  • Nostalgia" question: What job would you have hated doing as a child?

Computer scientist or manager, they're no fun ahahahhahahahah.


  • Pantone" question: What's your favorite lipstick color? 


  •  Apprentice" question: You were trained by Shu Uemura himself. What are the beauty commands he instilled in you that have stayed with you ever since? 

The perfect gesture, because in make-up, as a general rule, we tend to make too many gestures when applying make-up. If you think about the gesture before applying the color, your make-up will be perfect. Gérard Garouste said: "Thought doesn't belong to artists, what belongs to them is gesture".




  • Current affairs" question: you've just had a very nice article in the Express Style, what are your projects with shu uemura (shows? Shoots?)?

Lots of projects, it's like my oxygen, the haute couture shows are this week, I'll be backstage with the great designer: Yiqing Yin, Shooting projects too but shhhhhhh it's a secret.... 

  • When it's Sunday night and you don't feel like getting behind the stove, what's your LAZY food? 

A homemade croque monsieur !!!!!!

  • "What question would you like to be asked? 

"Do you believe in reincarnation? "I'll answer you Lisa !!!! Because maybe in another life I'll be a cook ahhahahahah !!!!!




  • A beautiful beauty plan? 

Tibetan massage, rue Lapeyrere in the 18th arrondissement

  • A good eating plan? 

At KGB, my favorite restaurant at 25 rue des grands Augustins in the 6th arrondissement, chef Yariv is tooooop!

  •  How about a snack? 

The BLEND burger, it rocks!

  •  A good shopping plan?

MORA is ALI BABA's cave for cooks !!!!!!


July 01, 2013