Only 3 little recipes left in the eat and move series, and when they're all finished, I'll be tempted to make them all again and eat them first, then re-photograph them in the same way and write the recipes on the images to make a pretty booklet that you could download and print out to keep in a corner of your kitchen... I like to imagine you behind your screens, and then when you send me photos of your creations, I imagine you behind your stove, fingers full of an egg and flour mixture on your computer to scroll through the recipe, I keep this little image of you for myself. Anyway, back to business, and today for the first recipe of the year, I thought we'd keep up the momentum of our good resolutions, I'm not going to go to the Clubmed gym and shoot myself a chocolate fondant right afterwards, we'll see in February for the gourmet, I suggest we finish January with bikini friendly recipes and then we'll have the rest of the year to nuke our bellies. But you're about to see this crunchy, even crunchy, little recipe I made one lunchtime for two guys full of muscles, and I didn't even hear the phrase "But where's the meat?" So, enlighten me, nutrition specialists, is quinoa a starch or a protein? 


For this crunchy recipe, you'll need:

  • - a bunch of radishes,
  • - a large handful of dried apricots,
  • - a stalk of celery,
  • - a cucumber,
  • - a red onion,
  • - feta cheese 200g,
  • - coriander,
  • - a little sesame
  • - and 200g of Quinoa! 



 To begin, bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, and once the water is ready, add the quinoa. The quinoa is cooked when the little husk around each grain has become translucent (about 12 minutes). While the quinoa is cooking, dice the cucumber, red onion and celery stalk. Clean and chop the radishes using a mandolin. Cut the dried apricots lengthwise into small strips. Once the quinoa is cooked, drain it well and run it under cold water to stop the cooking process. Drain again, then mix all the ingredients together, add salt and pepper to taste and serve on each plate, adding chopped coriander and a pinch of sesame seeds, and a drizzle of olive oil... Enjoy! 



 PS: Thank you thank you thank you for all your comments on my article yesterday, I'll try to reply tonight. Love.

January 07, 2013