Without transition, from different legal statuses to me in underwear, it's just one step or one post! I admit to being a little panicky in delivering these undressed images to you. But stepping out of your comfort zone is something you have to try once in a while! You already know that without [...]
December 12, 2016 — Lisa


Hello everyone! I know this title sounds barbaric, but we've come to the end of the business articles that have been getting you all excited! During this business week, it was also very inspiring for me to read your feedback and see what interests you! This article [...]
December 08, 2016 — Lisa

DIY Paper Cactus!

Hello to all the otters of France and Navarre (and others, I love all otters)! I hope you're well and that the cold hasn't made your fingers sore, because you're going to need them for this DIY. After your enthusiasm for my paper window display at the Lemonade Shop, I decided to [...].
December 05, 2016 — Charlotte


Hello birds! That's right, how do you sew a Thelma cape? Well, Thelma has been available on the internets for a while now, for 15 days to be exact. We previewed it at the Création et Savoir Faire trade show, and to tell you the truth, we were more than certain that the [...]
December 02, 2016 — Lisa


Hello company! Today I'd like to talk about what to wear to work! Remember I told you that I'd never really asked myself the question in this article? I've always had a very easy relationship with my wardrobe. I rarely ask myself questions about what's good to wear to [...].
November 30, 2016 — Lisa

HR tips and CV inspiration

Hello boys and girls, today as part of Business Week, Jessica Djeziri HR Manager at, agreed to answer a few questions and give us some advice. Jessica has almost nine years' experience in human resources development, in a wide range of sectors including e-commerce and digital marketing. So, what are [...]
November 23, 2016 — Simoné

Estée Lauder x Make My Lemonade Les entrepreneuses part 2

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your kind and enthusiastic words yesterday about Elissa, Clémentine, Insaf and Chloé! Today we continue with the last 3 entrepreneurs of this project! Originally, with the Estée Lauder brand, we had agreed to post just one article. You're used to me posting "river" articles, but that would have been Niagara. I preferred to post this project in two parts, to make the pleasure last. Once again, this survey really blew me away, and rediscovering all these women was a breath of fresh air, a slap in the face, an adrenalin rush!

After the intuitionproject, for which I had already discovered the woman behind the brand name Estée LauderI tried to find out more about her personality, and there again, what inspirations! I can't imagine the amount of tenacity it took for this woman to have built up a cosmetics empire from nothing, apart from her kitchen and her uncle's laboratory! Having read her biography, what I retain is that she was uncompromising, she had a precise goal and that she made the right encounters at the right time, that she knew how to surround herself but above all that she never wavered or blunted her vision.

Getting back to today's entrepreneurs, it was very difficult to choose who I'd post first or second, so don't read between the lines - it's all down to chance, not hierarchy! I'm now posting the long version of the video with all the women who inspire me! Kisses and I'll leave you with Anais, Maeva and Pénélope!

November 22, 2016 — Lisa

Estée Lauder x Make My Lemonade Les entrepreneuses part 1

Hello everyone!

I'm back here after a hectic few days for me, but I'm back with tons of things to tell you about, lots of inspiration, because these articles are closer to my heart than ever, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them! Today, we're continuing these business weeks with a big piece, an investigation even, in the form of interviews and portraits of great women! I don't know if you remember the video we did with Mai on intuition, for Estée Lauder last June? If not, I invite you to refresh your memory by clicking here. here. In any case,  the brand asked me what topics I wanted to cover on the blog lately. I told them about my desire to highlight women entrepreneurs, and we knew right away that we'd be working together again! Female entrepreneurship is on everyone's lips at the moment, and it's also part of the brand's history with its mythical founder Madame Lauder, so that's how we started working together. And I wanted to introduce you to some of the women who inspire me, who you may not yet know, but who deserve to be known! I'm only telling you about a few, because I'm keeping a few of them under wraps for portraits in the good people section soon! But clearly, all these women have been, in one way or another, great sources of inspiration for Make My Lemonade.

It's funny, because I see a lot of these women regularly, I follow them on social networks, some of them have even become my friends, and yet it's by doing their interviews that I continue to learn things, and I find them amazing for their courage and determination. They command my admiration and prove once again that dreams are attainable, if you give yourself the means to believe hard enough.

I'll leave you with this little video, which you'll find in its entirety tomorrow, and I'll leave you with the portraits of these first 4 women: Clémentine, Elissa, Insaf and Chloé. Don't worry, you're going to have a lot to read, they've got a lot to say!

November 21, 2016 — Lisa


Hello company! We could have started the week with more refreshing topics than accounting, but you know what? I don't want to lie to you, and numbers are your backbone (I can't believe I'm writing something like this)... So if that's not your thing, but you're a bit of a maths [...]...
November 01, 2016 — Lisa


Hello everyone!

It's a delicate article today, delicate because it's close to my heart. I've been thinking about this theme week for months: here we are, Business Week. I've noticed that when we meet at open-door evenings, meet-ups, or during this past month at the Lemonade Shop, questions about entrepreneurship are on everyone's lips. I've also had the feeling that every time I've spoken out on the subject, there's been a response here too.

Many of you have asked me how I got started... Well, I feel like I've already told you, but it's a huge coincidence! 4 years ago, I started the blog at the same time as my full-time job as a stylist for a jewelry brand. Then the blog got bigger and bigger, and I switched to 4/5, to have more time for Make My Lemonade. Then I had to start invoicing things, so I had to find solutions, become an auto-entrepreneur, and then I finally quit my job and threw myself into the deep end.

I didn't have a career plan as a "blogger", because it's not a conventional "profession", it's a bit of a label to fit into a box, like if I played handball, I'd be a handball player, so I had a blog, so I was a blogger, and of course I made money from this hobby.

By the way, if you ask Wikipedia what a blogger is, it tells you this:

  • A female person who uses the Internet as a means of communication to express herself and disseminate information on various subjects in which she has expertise or a passion.

Too good! It's not about money, but you're going to tell me that if I play handball just on Sundays in a club, it's my hobby, but if I play in the second division, I start earning money, so I'm a professional handballer.

But does your hobby become a profession as soon as you start making money?

October 31, 2016 — Lisa


Hello everyone! Today I'd like to talk about getting out of your comfort zone! I'm preparing some articles for next week that should please you for a special business week! And in preparing the "look" article I got myself into some pretty tricky positions... I'll tell you about them now, [...].
October 28, 2016 — Lisa


Hello my little cats, I have good news and bad news for you: the good news is that I'm back! And the bad news is that you definitely can't do everything at once. For a long time, I naively thought I'd be able to run everything at once: the Lemonade Shop and continuing to post as [...].
October 27, 2016 — Lisa