My little cats,

It's about time I wrote this article, really, because if things go well in 2014, I'll have an office far from my apartment, and that's great news, because I must admit that there are days when I don't leave the house, and I find that a bit creepy. In the meantime, to make the ordeal of "working from home" more enjoyable, I've set up a little corner, a little room all to myself where it's nice to live and work. I meet there every morning at 9:30, and it's here that I can "torpedo" the space. Before, I didn't really have a room of my own, and I'd spread out all over the place in the living room, the hall, the kitchen and even a bit in the bedroom, just to mark my territory. I'm like a tornado and I "vandalize" the space I'm in. When you put it like that, it might sound a bit scary, but I'm sure you can see what kind of person I can be... So since I've started out on my own, I've been lucky enough to be able to lemonade a room in my little house. Let me show you...

Living with an unconditional devotee of white walls and clean lines, I wanted my "office" to look a little more like me, and I think that over the years yellow and pink have made their way into my colorful desires. I find it daring and fresh in decorating, completely unexpected and yet brilliant. I remember a while back discovering the Broken Arm boutique, and on the basement floor, they laid a mustard-yellow carpet that's just perfect (messy for sure, but so beautiful). So naturally I chose this pink (Calamine) and yellow (Babouche) from Farrow & Ball, for the curious. In this photo you can also see the first two boxes designer boxI highly recommend this concept, which I find ingenious and offbeat for design lovers on a tight budget. No need to buy a subscription, you can choose the boxes as you go and even see them in person at Le Bon Marché at the moment... In addition to the signed object inside, I'm a fan of the packaging, in which I store all my inks and other paints...

Small wall detail, swallows found at the Pop Market 50 rue Bichat in the 10th arrondissement, vintage Jielde lamp, and lanterns available on Alix's brilliant website Under the lantern. Another close-up of my shelves, with the most beautiful lemon-yellow butterfly given to me by my sweetheart for my 25th birthday. Lili.

This is the "inspiration" corner, the place where I curl up in the morning to do my pinterest rounds and my daily reading of blogs and other websites, where I drink my tea while scratching Frida the cat's belly... I fell in love with this armchair, I think it's sublime, I loved it at first sight, at first click even. "Click" because it comes from the website Made.coma concept founded in London by 3 design enthusiasts, who wanted to "democratize" beautiful and creative furniture with a capital C for as many people as possible. They reduce costs and cut out intermediaries between designers and consumers. Delivery takes a little longer than usual, as the site consolidates orders before launching production. But it's worth the wait! It's so beautiful!

DIY furniture covering with cork flakes coming soon...

My inspiration wall... I guess you've come across this pigeon on Pinterest a number of times, and well, I was dreaming about it when I went to New York, so I brought back some clipboards from Staples at $0.90 each, it would have been stupid to do without them, so I screwed them to the wall... Another detail: my stack of beloved Milk and Muteen magazines from the time, to support my shelf (system D when you hold us)... And stuck there is a little photo of me at 1 year old, just so I don't forget who I am and where I come from...

Also on my shelf are my favorite Japanese illustration and motif books, a small collection of objects I adore, my Néroli perfume by Annick Goutal, my little Inuit doll who keeps an eye on me, some magnificent Leone lemon sweets...

Once again, my indestructible Janome sewing machine, on a little Formica piece of furniture found at Emmaüs. My home-made pencil pot, with Indian metal glasses, and a thick elastic band originally used to close the famous designerboxes, and there you have it. Illustration of Miu Miu pumps by Kris Atomicceramic cactus from Fleux and old POS (point-of-sale advertising) for the old Verte Vallée shirt brand donated by Ma Sophie of Couleur Salée.

Detail of my inspiration wall, "Nous" the cats made by my little hands, flowers donated by the delicious Karuna Balloo.

Here's one last photo, will you be able to find the cat squatting in my darling armchair? A little zoom on my post calendar (yes, I know what we're going to talk about 1 month in advance... and if you can see the photo below, I've got work to do!) my Ipad with my electronic diary and my Moleskine diary, because you can never be too careful... Let's face it, I've been tidying up like crazy to take these photos, because in everyday life, it's Baghdad in the lemonade studio...

November 27, 2013