The contest is over and you have literally drowned me in a flood of love, yes yes I assure you. I'm not going to be able to answer all your comments one by one, so I'll thank you here! I'm going to answer your questions in bulk, so in the previous post I wore an H&M blouse from the [...].
June 13, 2012 — lisa gachet


I've got the patience of a 6-year-old, so I can't resist posting the DIY today rather than waiting until Wednesday... I just can't do it... I'm so excited to thank you and as I write this there are 1045 likes on the facebook page, I can't believe it: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
June 10, 2012 — lisa gachet

Happy Friday #14

Happy Friday! Another marathon week, the months are becoming lightning weeks in 2012, this little blog is 4 months old and I feel like it's gone by so fast and at the same time a lot of things are starting to happen around here thanks to it, Already more and more of you are coming, I'm [...]
June 08, 2012 — lisa gachet

DIY Hého du bateau!

Hi friends, the mid-week DIY is back with the lovely Zoé, I love little people, and let's not forget children's fashion... Sometimes I wish I were 12 years old and could fit into the kids' "plus sizes". But if you want a femme fatale look, children's fashion [...].
June 05, 2012 — lisa gachet

MA petite madeleine de P...

I'm SO confused - my life has caught up with me lately, and I can't hide the fact that I've had neither the time nor the motivation to blog, but that's no big deal - I'm sure you've survived just fine without me... And even though this little virtual space is very young, it's [...].
June 03, 2012 — lisa gachet

Dessert salad!

Hola !!!! 3-day weekends are great! here's my lunch for the day! Immediately photographed, immediately eaten and immediately posted...And here is the first savory recipe on this blog, a big step, I promised you a light recipe, here it is! It's such a nice little recipe, I could eat it [...].
May 28, 2012 — lisa gachet


The sun is out! My toes are out! The party's in the short sleeves, but the bare legs aren't for today, because to celebrate summer (yes, summer, when it's 27°C in Paris, you can say summer) I wanted to wear my floral pants, which I've already told you about [...].
May 25, 2012 — lisa gachet


Oyé oyé, I had to tell you about Cannes, the glitter, the stars, the hair full of hairspray, the glittering jewels and all that, how can you miss all the glitz and all the miles of red carpet? (I have the answer because I don't have a TV, like me, and the [...]
May 24, 2012 — lisa gachet


Nonsense, "she's cracked" I know you're thinking that... But I can't take it anymore, I want sunshine, so I tell myself that by "making" my glasses, at least I'll be ready, and I'm not talking about a day of sunshine, no, I want it to arrive, to put down its little suitcases, to settle down [...].
May 22, 2012 — lisa gachet

Good people #2 MATTHIEU D.

The good people section continues today, with a guy on the blog, well, and not just any guy... I think that even though I've never told him, he's kind of my best friend... He makes me howl with laughter, to the point of peeing myself, but he's also the person with the best advice on [...].
May 20, 2012 — lisa gachet


Coucou la pose musée Grévin, This picture made me laugh, I know I don't need much...So today a little self-promotion here and yes because I'm so happy to announce that there are only 3 perfectos left Merci Merci Merci !!! One of which is a pink one like this one, it's so funky with [...]
May 18, 2012 — lisa gachet


Hellllooo, I hope I'm not putting you off neon pink, or making you lose your eyesight, but I think I like to overdose on color. It calms me down with my obsessions and I can move on more easily, like I almost don't wear polka dots anymore ... I [...].
May 17, 2012 — lisa gachet