

My little cats,

I hope you're well. I wrote this article several times in my head and then I told myself that obviously I was going to forget some things, so today I'm taking the plunge, and then if I forget any or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know, I'll answer in the comments on the subject. I warn you, it's going to be a bit long...

A number of people have asked me to give a little update on how I earn my living and other details related to having a blog. Already, I felt like a minister being asked to show his credentials by making public his real estate holdings! And then I said to myself that yes, after all, if the blog exists and works, it's thanks to you, and that I could explain to you how it works.

To cut a long story short, I don't make a living from my blog, so let's just say that this site isn't my only source of income. I'm incredibly lucky to be able to do what I love, and to have a job that I can choose. These days, I feel like my days are 48 hours long, I work like crazy, I love it, all the while, I hope, staying sane and keeping the famous burn out at bay. I have a million desires, ideas and things in progress, and I'm a bit like a juggler who, from time to time, drops a ball but catches it with his foot. I know I'm having a hard time letting go, but I'm working on it. NO PAIN NO GAIN.




The blog earns me money with affiliate links, collaborations, product placements, banners, workshops, etc. But I also have a job, I do set design/art direction, styling, consulting/ and then various unclassifiable things. I'm not going to tell you about my excel spreadsheets so that I'm in the black at the end of the month.

You may think that I'm making money off you, or at least off your eyes. I say "I" but I don't think I'm the only "girl with a website" who thinks that. But given all the time it takes to prepare photos, write an article (I'm not even talking about DIY), edit videos, search for information, etc... I think it's normal to earn money this way. And then all the time I spend on the make my lemonadeis time I don't spend working on my other activities, and time I don't spend with my family and friends. I'm not complaining because, once again, it's my choice and a pleasure to work, but all work deserves a salary.

You're going to tell me that the blog should remain a free space for pure sharing and love. But sharing and love don't fill my fridge or pay my rent. You may also tell me that collaborations make things less authentic, that I could lose my freedom of expression. Well, I can assure you that I remain free to make my own choices, and that I refuse to take part in paid operations because I don't see the point of telling you about a product that you'll hear about on 12 different blogs in the course of a month, but it's a kind of luxury because I have other sources of income.




Affiliate links

For those of you who aren't hyper-connected, I'll tell you what it is. There are different platforms on which you have to create an account and then sign up for affiliate programs. There's the "Amazon" program, the "Asos" program or the "Top Shop" program, and there are hundreds of thousands of them. Then, once you've signed up, you can generate tracked links. Links are highlighted text blocks that you click on to see the product at source, just like a normal link. tracked because in the beginning of the url is the name of the platform. And if you buy the product I've linked to, I get a percentage of the sale (between 5 and 10% depending on the program), which doesn't mean you'll pay more, just that "Top Shop" will trim its margin a little to pay me for the visibility I've given it. I confess that I don't earn astronomical sums because I don't do many looks, but I find that it's a discreet way that doesn't flash in all directions.


I could say for THE banner, because I'm a stickler for aesthetics, that I only want one. I have an advertising agency that represents many sites. This agency offers me collaborations, banners and other product placements that I may or may not choose to make. When there are several display campaigns with banners at the same time, you'll only see one at a time, because a rotation system is in place; when the page is refreshed, the banner changes. And I only earn money if you click, so you don't have to do anything again. 

 Collaborations and other product placements

 As you may have noticed, I don't make a big deal of it. I do it when I know that there won't be 45 of us telling you about a revolutionary new mascara... I don't want to sound like a saint, but I really think that above all, I'm looking to do something creative, have something interesting to say and finally, I'm trying to put myself in your shoes to find the "reader benefit". If there's a collaboration, I tell you about it in the article; this was the case for Armani and lipsticks last October, when I had carte blanche, it was creative and I really enjoyed preparing this article.




 I'm lucky enough to be able to turn down deals, but if I can afford to do so, it's because the blog isn't my only source of income, and it allows me to keep my editorial line true to what I want it to be. I want to remain free to choose my partners, and for them to trust me to create different content, a bit like my customers for my other activities: I like to imagine creative things with a good initial brief as specifications, and then I have fun and embroider... 

I'm quite lucid about the fact that blogs are on a roll these days, and that brands that still underestimate these new influencers have a lot to worry about, but I'm still convinced that you shouldn't do just anything just because there's a good post at the end, but try to do things intelligently.

And to get back on track, I'm wearing an H&M jacket from an old collection, but if you're looking for a glittery, crazy pattern, you can fall back on this onea New Look shirt that's also old but fortunately UO is still there! A sweater Kutjena pair of jeans MIH and pumps Sarenza.


March 14, 2014