Happy Saturday, darlings! I hope you've enjoyed your week, mine went by at the speed of light. It was like I went to bed Monday night and woke up on Saturday morning! It went by too quickly, so quickly that I'm sharing this week's look on a Saturday! The worst part is that next week, it'll already be June! Can you believe it?! I'm telling you, if I catch the guy that makes time fly by, he's in for it. I'm sure that he's somewhere, sitting on a remote control with the 'fast forward' button jammed under his leg! Watch out, you... I've decided to regain control of my time starting next week, by meditating every morning to help my brain... falling back on good habits for creative survival! For something a little more real than the hypothetical person I talked about with the remote, today I'm posting this week's look, photographed at la place Dalida (Dalida Square) in Paris' 18th arrondissement.
I had never been to this square before and it was a lovely surprise. Here, there are a few streets where it doesn't feel like Paris anymore but more like a little village in the South. Oh, how I love this city just for that. And by incredible luck, it was beautiful outside. It normal I suppose for springtime, but I had almost forgotten what that was like! You might think I'm a little too dressed and made up for just a Happy Saturday, oh if I could look like this every Saturday morning... to tell you the truth, it was just because I was fortunate to collaborate with Lancôme for their latest product, their Grandiose eyeliner. I was looking so polished because I was made up by Mikythe brand's makeup artist and their hairstylist, Sylvain Le Hen! During the presentation I met Lisa Eldridge, Lancôme's director of makeup creation. She's also an amazing Influencer, blogger, youtuber, entrepreneur, that's so passionate and motivating! What an incredible path she's taken! As spruced up as I was, I thought it would be silly to miss this opportunity to take some pictures with Olitaxthe little prince of pictures...
On our way to Dalida square, we went by the signer's famous statue where we saw tourists taking pictures, groping the beauty's decolte! Her even has a shiny chest! It's become a place of pilgrimage and some even say that touching her breasts brings good luck... I couldn't believe it. What else, are the mayors of France going to start doing the same to the Marianne on their desk, the night before an election? Plant a little kiss on Fabien Barthez's head? What a little misogynist secret! That's why I'm hiding the lady's chest with this amazing lavender colored motorcycle jacket. I think it's so beautiful and unique (yes, me, the person that thinks purple is awful), this lilac color could win me over! I think that the jacket is really this season's musthave staple, I was wearing a pink one last week, a lilac one this week (both of them were kindly loaned to me) and I fell for a blue one from Zara (like half of France's female population) that you'll see sometime soon. I think this shakes up any outfit and if I had to be reincarnated as a piece of clothing, it would be as a motorcycle jacket! My piece of advice to you is: use and abuse the 'Perfectos' in your closet and don't be afraid to go out of your color comfort zone, it's now or never, it's everywhere!
I'm wearing a lavender Schott perfecto, an incredible Manoush blouse from an upcoming collection that I borrowed from the brand (Thomas, if you're reading this, my birthday is in three weeks...), my Samsoe Samsoe jeans that I wear all the time, it's time for me to order another pair (the cut's called 'Lisa', I think it's a sign) and Asos espadrilles that I need to buy in other colors. Lots of shopping is on my todo list! On my eyes is the famous Grandiôse eyeliner in 'mirific sapphire'. I redid my makeup at home and the big bonus to using this product is that it dries almost instantly so it won't mark your eyelids. This is perfect for those who lack patience... Hugs and kisses, see you tomorrow for some dreamy landscapes!
Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
May 28, 2016