Hello my darlings! While doing some fall cleaning, tidying up everything from the office to the studio's Dropbox, I realized that I didn't even tell you about the second Sephora workshop we did earlier this summer. The workshop took us on a journey, showingcasing the brand's mini products that I always keep on hand in my purse... It was a great sewing class, we made a fantastic bowler bag (the tutorial will be up soon) with doublechainstitch embroidery! Speaking of the workshop, we've come up with an amazing schedule in honor of our popup store with workshops everyday, oh yes, you got that right, EVERY day! We're going to have a great DIY month this October at 16 rue Lancry at République! I'll keep you posted for tickets!
For the second Sephora workshop, after making a box for holding all your manicure things, we taught participants how to make the ultimate accessory for sewing for beginners that can be carried everywhere with you all year long: the bowler bag, for the gym, or a classy version for using everyday! Not too big, not too small, with pockets inside and out for holding your entire life... we thought it over long and hard so that it wouldn't be too hard for beginners yet still have that 'wow factor'... the stepbystep DIY will be available soon, I promise. Laure will be in charge, since it's been awhile since she last wrote you!
Since we had the chance to spend an entire afternoon together, we decided to do a little embroidery workshop that's always fun: an easy, beginner's doublechainstitch... And being a special occasion, participants had the opportunity to embroider a pastel colored panty! It's always fun to see what you like to write on your underwear! While waiting their turn at the sewing machines, the girls were able to relax their fingers on embroidery frames. It was a great time in the studio, basking in the summer light... it was lovely. Oh how we love this studio!
make-my-lemonade-sephora-workshop-2099 Going back to the bag, we made it out of white and yellow striped fabric that'll remind you of something (oh yeah, remember our Lolita dress), red polka dotted lining and colorful cotton handles. I must admit, Laure blew us away. Seriously. Every participant was able to make their project, even though some had never used a sewing machine in their entire life! From hand embroidery to stitching on the machine, which requires a lot of concentration, everyone did a great job. Well done, ladies! I can't describe my joy, seeing them leave at the end of the day with their bag practically finished and filled up!
Of course, in order to make all that, we needed some snacks. Thank goodness we were spoiled with treats from Fauchon (oh la la, the pink flamingo eclairs, pina colada flavor!) The talented Laurence Maestrello was there too and she did everyone's makeup with Sephora's mini products, everyone left looking lovely! Thank you, Laure, for sharing your knowledge and teaching us!
Thank you to the entire Sephora team, to the boys at Musicalist for the music, to our Olitax for the video, to Fauchon for the todiefor eclairs and macarons, and to all the participants, beautiful and talented! Sending you lots of kisses and see you soon for the striped bag DIY, perfect for adding a splash of color to your life! Translated by Whitney Bolin
August 31, 2016