of course, when you say galette, you say crown... so while we're at it, if it's pretty and not made of crappy gold cardboard, all the better... while the galette is in the oven, we get out our tools and make a crown from scratch. I can't guarantee your man's look with this crown (-50 pts for his virility), but it's a great opportunity for chicks to shoot kings (or queens)... In addition to being a great gift to leave for your guests, it's the first time you'll be so excited to know if you'll have the chance to break a tooth. I promise it's an easy DIY...

 1. you don't need much in this story:

- wire cutters

- flat-nose pliers

- a large pack of medium-sized pearls (approx. 9mm)

- wire thin enough to fit inside the beads (avoid brass wire, which is too soft)

2. We start by making a small loop with the flat pliers on one end of the wire (important step, so the beads don't get lost and this loop will help you close the wreath later).

3.cut about 60cm of wire and form a more or less round circle - this will be perfected with the beads...

4. String the beads... (I love doing this...)

5. Close the circle with the flat pliers and wind the remaining thread over the loop at the beginning. Round it off, but don't close it too tightly, as you'll need a little play between the beads. Don't worry, let's get on with it...

6. And now we cut a GRRRRRAAAND piece of wire and attach it to our loop with the flat pliers. String 14 beads and bend the wire at the 7th bead so that your royal spade is symmetrical.

7. Slide the wire between 2 beads (about 5 beads further out on your circle) and turn the wire twice around the beaded base. Repeat the operation, all along your circle, and secure it to our famous little starting loop...


you can also make a smaller one using brass wire and

and pearls this time, and martyrize your cat!

( Frida looks blasé but she loves her crown, she just wasn't very photogenic that day - bad hair day, all that, you know...)


February 06, 2012