Happy Wednesday every body!
I'm so excited to show you this little DIY, I'm in creative form right now! I love hijacking a mass-market product such as H&M to make a UNIQUE necklace for you! As you may know, I'm not much of a trend follower, and all this pastel and neon stuff doesn't inspire much confidence in me... I prefer to pick and choose... As for water green, fluorescent pink isn't a question of fashion, but of a crush. For years I've been looking for fluorescent pink shoes, ribbon, crockery... I find that it sets off anything a little classic. But I confess, I like it as a touch (happy friday coming up will surely prove me wrong...) and not as a total look... yes I love this color but the prospect of looking like a stabilo leaves me perplexed. Even if I'm capable of the worst with prints, I'd still rather make you lose a tenth of an ounce with each eye than make you epileptic or worse, fluophobic...

- -An h&m necklace,
- -A can of fluorescent pink, + a white one (optional)
- - 20 neon pink fabric circles (7 cm diameter),
- around twenty small rosebud-like pendants and metal parts
- - thread, needle and painter's tape.

I could have stopped there, but I love these little charms.... as for the petals, fix the beginning of your thread in the center of the necklace with a simple seam ( fig.1). Then pass your needle through the pearls ( fig.2) and intersperse piècettes / roses / piècettes ... as in figure 3, finish as you started with a seam in the center of the necklace. And TADAM!!! (fig.4)

And to speed things up, here's a little gif to sum it all up...