Happy Friday, kittens!
And yes, it's already Friday, the year's starting again and the weeks are once again having fun going by too fast... So as promised, I'm going to tell you about my 2014 resolutions, even though it's true that they're nobody's business but my own, writing them down is already helping me to try and keep them, as if I were integrating them better (view of mind?).
So my number-one resolution, ahead of all the others: It's to get a head start on everything, to keep on taking the days as they come, but to be well organized, worse, to become the Organization. I've got too many things going on in my head and I'm juggling a lot of subjects. My fear is always that I won't have enough time to do everything, and the time I waste "panicking", I tell myself, would be better spent planning and organizing my days. So far, I'm doing very well, I'd just like this year to continue, but more serenely and even better! Keep cool 2014...

My number two resolution is, of course, to continue to do things with heart, to continue to find new ways of showing, to try to surprise you, in short, to reinvent myself while remaining true to who I am... Not easy, eh! 2014 New "myself'... Or something to that effect.

And my resolution number three, the last one, yes I only have three because I tell myself that if I make a list as long as my arm I'll never stick to it... It's to enjoy the little victories! To rejoice in the little moments, like: the end of a project, a former client calling back for a new job, a shower of beautiful comments, etc... To take these things as encouragement because that's what they are, rather than feeling overwhelmed with pressure to do better than the previous time. 2014 Take it easy...

So here are my 3 resolutions, I feel like I'm freaking out a bit as a girl, but you know, I prefer to tell myself that nothing can be taken for granted, and always stay on my toes, rather than rest on my laurels (I'm going to pull out my whole repertoire of ready-made expressions today...) So exit the resolutions: to stop going to the mac do (because I've already nuked it on January 1st), to work out 3 times a week (ahahah), to put things away as I take them out (pffff), to hang the washing up as soon as it's done and not to run it twice etc... But that's just between me and myself, I know that writing them down will only make you smile, but in the end these resolutions are just details... And what are your "real" resolutions?

So, to get back to today's topic, happy friday, I'm wearing a red bonnet (no link with a cause related to current events). UniqloA lumberjack shirt Uniqloa necklace donated by sweet Caroline de Number 8A skirt and a coat a Uniqlo comforter, a lady's bag The tannertwisted with a pair of sneakers New balance. Oh yes, and because you're going to ask, I can feel it, I'm wearing lipstick. Urban Decay "F-Bombe"....