

And hop! 

A little back-to-school post... I'm so excited, there are so many things I'd like to tell you about right now! I'll have to wait until the end of the week, you'll see September is going to be crazy crazy around here... Well, I'll stop stalling!

Today I'm getting back into the swing of things by posting a little recipe that's not at all worthy of a "healthy-entry-good-resolution" recipe, but I'm working on that too...I'm thinking that a good Banofee for the start of the new year is a sort of vacation extender, for sweetness, sunshine etc... Next week we start the detox, and if, like me, you've replaced water with rosé and ice creams to hydrate yourself, the start of the new year is going to be complicated in terms of the fridge and abs...

To make this recipe, I had greatly overestimated the quantity of bananas I needed, so much so that it's difficult for me to swallow one more these days... While waiting for the "green salad" week, I'm starting this one by making myself a little "banana-detox"...

Lisa Banana.





To make this sort of sweet and sour Banofee, you'll need, for the base:

  • - 200 g English Digestive cookie,
  • -100 g semi-salted butter.

For the banana mixture:

  • - 20 cl crème fraîche,
  • - 3 eggs,
  • - 1 plain yoghurt,
  • - 40 g sugar, 
  • - 4 bananas.

For the salted butter caramel:

  • - 25 g semi-salted butter, 
  • - 10 cl full-cream liquid, 
  •  - 150 g caster sugar.

And for the whipped cream and decoration:

  • - 20cl chilled whipping cream,
  • -1 tbsp powdered sugar,
  • A nice banana.

To begin, place the cookies in your blender and crumble them. While you're making the cookie powder, melt the half-salt butter in a bain-marie or in the microwave for a few moments. Mix the butter with the cookie powder to form a paste. Place the mixture in the bottom of your retractable tin, pressing it down well with the base of a glass. Once the crust has settled to the bottom of your mold, place your dish in the fridge for at least an hour, until the dough hardens and becomes a kind of giant cookie.




Meanwhile, get to work on the banana mixture. In a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar, then the cream and yoghurt. Place banana slices in your blender to make a purée, then add it to the previous mixture. Retrieve your solidified pie crust, and pour the banana mixture into it. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 min.

While the banana mixture is setting gently in the oven, work on the caramel. First pour 50g of sugar into a clean saucepan and cook alone, over medium heat, until liquid caramel forms, then add a further 50g of sugar. When it has caramelized, add the remaining sugar. At the same time, melt the butter in the cream in a small saucepan over medium heat, taking care not to let the mixture boil. When the sugar has melted, remove from the heat and stir in the butter-cream mixture. Cook over a low heat for 3 minutes, stirring all the time, until the caramel becomes smooth and creamy.




When your banana tart and salted butter caramel have cooled, place a thin layer of caramel on top of the banana mixture. Leave the caramel to set in a cool place while you whip the chantilly and cut the banana slices. To make the chantilly, whip the very cold crème fleurette in a bowl with an electric mixer. When the cream begins to set, add the powdered sugar. Spread the whipped cream generously over the salted butter caramel, then place the banana slices as desired. To prevent them from darkening, add a few drops of lemon juice to the banana slices, and enjoy!





September 02, 2013