Les Gens Biens : The French Vikings
Almost a year ago, we met the boys from French Vikings for the first time, on the advice of the lovely Aurélie F. (who, by the way, is not yet listed in the "les gens biens" section, something to be rectified soon)! Last November, we all went to do a concrete workshop, as a team: the highly fashionable "team building". I think it's safe to say that we fell in love with the boys at Lemonade Studio. Billy and Nadir are an explosive duo of French Vikings! Their concept is to create concrete objects, through workshops, custom orders for building sites, or ready to sell on the Internet. Etsy. A unique concrete solution, as beautiful as marble, as rare and as solid as rock... With their great love of Do it Yourself, impossible missions and ambitious projects, we couldn't fail to fall under the boys' spell!
Together, a few months ago, we created the DIY jardiniere and today The Frenchs Vikings tell us a little more about their next adventures... The French Vikings are currently working on a big project, as they're in the process of completely redoing a place in Aubervilliers where they'll be able to set up their huge workshop, host concrete workshops, and also offer a helping hand to young entrepreneurs by offering them a workspace and invaluable advice for 6 months! I love and admire this entrepreneurial strength, and the fact that they're not afraid of the mountains they have to climb!
Photos : Genaro Bardy. Don't they look cute in these!?
And to make all these great projects a reality, they need our help, and especially yours. They've launched the "concrete revolution": a campaign Ulule campaign, which is coming to an end soon, with some very nice rewards up for grabs, to welcome you very soon to their place: Le Drakkar! Le Drakkar will be an incubator for budding entrepreneurs, and the place to realize all their dreams and workshops! Lemonade Studio's Lemons took the liberty of disturbing them and lending a hand in the midst of the construction. To get a glimpse of what it's all about, go to their website to see all their creations! Anyway, I'll leave the floor to Billy and Nadir, and give you a big hug!
And just between you and me, since I married a Dane, I'm more of a French Viking than ever!
Video : Olitax
- Guidance counsellor question: Boys, tell us about your career paths...
- Question: From law and finance to concrete, it's just a short step and a lot of work?
Yes indeed, it all happened quite quickly. We met two years ago and discovered that we shared the same passion: building and manufacturing. We quickly decided to give up our respective activities and launch The French Vikings. We started by making small objects (planters, trays...), then optimized our technique and began working on more ambitious projects (Milan Lunetier, La Cabane...).
- Question who's next: Today, you've got some great projects under your belt, a workshop in full swing and lots of special orders. What are your next steps?
- Master Yoda question: What are 3 pieces of advice for someone who wants to start their own business?
- Question: What's your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?
The monthly appointment with the chartered accountant
- Question "Du côté de chez Swann": What were your first Proust madeleines?
- Throwback question: What was your childhood dream job?
Nadir: I always wanted to work in IT (yes)!
Billy: I wanted to be a fighter pilot, or at least I always promised myself I'd answer that in an interview.