Without transition, from different legal statuses to me in my underwear, it's just one step or one post! I admit to being a little panicky as I deliver these undressed images. But stepping out of your comfort zone is something you have to try once in a while! You probably already know, if you already follow us on social networks, or if you live in a big city, or if you're a lingerie fan on the lookout for the latest news: we've launched a collection in collaboration with Princesse Tam Tam! The news broke on November 23.

For me, collaborations are a kind of recreation. It has to be fun! Last year's collaboration with Jonak was a breath of fresh air, and this year it's the turn of Birchbox and Princesse Tam-Tam. When two brands join forces, it's always a celebration. Beyond the fact that 2 worlds meet, it's also a moment for me to go into unknown territory. A different industry, a different know-how, a different corporate culture and a different history! In addition to all the new people we'll be able to reach together, I see it as a creative opportunity to venture into product areas I wouldn't have spontaneously chosen! I'm really proud of this collaboration; I have the feeling that our brand DNAs are not very far apart, and that they often respond to each other!

Over a year ago, Princesse Tam-Tam contacted us to co-sign a Christmas collection. I don't think I've ever been so excited in my lemon memory - well, truth be told, I was hysterical, dancing around, with Larusso in the office. When I opened this blog, nearly 5 years ago, I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, literally... And then, a few months after I'd started, I saw bloggers who'd been around a lot longer than me starting to collaborate with major brands. And like the madwoman that I am, I started making lists of brands I really wanted to collaborate with, to design products with them. It's much more than just customizing tote bags or silk-screening t-shirts, I'm talking about the actual creation of the product's technical specifications! I'll describe the indescribable feeling of receiving your first prototype in a dedicated post.

Anyway, on this dream list was Princesse Tam Tam, France's favorite little brand. I think that as soon as I got breasts (very late) around the age of 15, I couldn't stop asking for the brand's lingerie for my birthdays and Christmas. And I think my mother must have thought she'd wait until I'd outgrown the "first-age" cup before investing in a set. It happened the year I turned 18, and shame on me... Let me put it in context: in the 2000s, it was the big bang for buttocks, with the invasion of the thong on the lingerie market. Well, I got my lingerie set for Christmas, adorable, too happy, my little mom wanting to do the right thing had chosen the matching thong to complete the set. I'll let you imagine the look on my dad's and grandma's faces, everyone's faces in fact...

A little anecdote aside, from memory I have the feeling that all my girlfriends and I were like crazy in the changing rooms, or later in the flat, as soon as a piece of princess lingerie stuck out. I even remember my best friend giving me a Princesse Tam Tam set for our 1-year friendship. All this to say that I have the feeling that we all have a memory with this brand.

So imagine my face after the first meeting when I realized what was really going on. I was lucky enough to work with such a cool team... we had so much fun! Originally, it was only supposed to be 4 products. But in the end, it was impossible to choose, and a real Christmas collection took shape! Oh yes, at the start we were also going to go for a "Christmas" print... so very little for me, Christmas trees and other sweaters were out of the question. But very quickly, our polka dots, mixed with other prints (mixing patterns is my passion), proved to be the best idea, not especially for Christmas, but more universal, as black and white often bring everyone together. I hope this collaboration will definitely inoculate me from my polka-dot addiction!

But what an experience to work with a great brand like this!

I can't believe Princesse Tam Tam trusted us. Us, a tiny brand barely 1 and a half years old! So yes, we've been telling stories and building a universe for longer, but still. I'm writing to you today from the planet "I'm fulfilled". When I look over my shoulder, I have nothing but fond memories of this collection! I've discovered some great people and I hope our road together will be a long one!

To keep the fun going, and because this Christmas I want to spoil everyone, you can't miss it. I'd like you to win this collection. The lot includes:

  • The pyjama jacket
  • Polka-dot pyjama pants
  • Checked pyjama pants
  • Polka-dot triangle
  • Checked panties
  • Polka dot sweatshirt
  • and the coat with the pins!

For your chance to win this big part of the Love is All Princesse Tam Tam x Wear Lemonade collection, all you have to do is leave me a comment under this post with your lingerie anecdote related to the brand! I'll draw the winner this Wednesday at 12pm and the result will be announced at the end of this post via an "Edit"! Kisses and I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks to Raphaelle and Laurence for their trust! Thanks to Julia for everything! Thanks to Audrey and Norah for their support! Thanks to France and Anthony for their patience! Thanks to all the other people behind this beautiful brand for their passion! Photos by Olitax au superbe Hotel Panache !


Well done to Caroline M for this competition! Write to us at hello@makemylemonade and we'll tell you how!

December 12, 2016