

Happy Friday my little cats! 

Another week swallowed up, sucked into the space-time rift of back-to-school. Let's talk about back-to-school... I really have the feeling that during this period of fashion week, I'm regaining a taste for dressing up. It's as if all this Parisian effervescence is tugging at my closet heartstrings. I feel like preparing my outfits like it's back-to-school eve. Don't tell me you've never done that... I'm craving white collars under my sweaters, a real back-to-school fashion... 




Anyway, fashion week is in full swing in Paris and I've got my nose to the grindstone on my computer, excited about all kinds of projects, books and more books - it's really what keeps me awake! And then, I love getting back to work here and I'm already thinking about Christmas with ideas for table decoration, a nice themed fortnight, interviews, recipes (gluten-free!?)! Even crazier do it yourselfs! I love my job, I really do! 




Speaking of work, I wanted to know if you'd be interested in knowing a little more about the behind-the-scenes of my weeks, not really a making of, but rather an in-depth article. With issues that aren't exactly glamorous, but which are, in the final analysis, part of everyday life for entrepreneurs. So my question is this: do you think you'd be interested in learning a bit more before taking the plunge? Because I don't embroider kittens all day long, eating macaroons and drinking liters of centrifuged juice. Although that would be great, I agree. 




So today I'm wearing a pair of Cheap Monday cropped pants, but you'll find a great pair if you're looking for one. herea Cos shirt from an old collection but this one is great too, a sweater Zara, a jacket Prairies de Paris jacket from the excellent Vestaire Collective, socks Pas Chassé, socks Church that I'd been dreaming of for a long time, also found on Vestiaire Collective, a beanie Maje and earrings Chic Alors.


September 26, 2014