Happy Monday, everyone! I hope that you had a nice, restful weekend, and are ready to face this gray and gloomy week... keep your heads high, my darlings! Today I'm here to give you some inspiration for the upcoming weekend! I admit that I've been lacking a bit of inspiration lately when it comes to cooking during the weekend, to have to come up with fun and healthy ideas multiplied by six, it's not easy. You might say there are worse problems in life, but I'm not a follower of culinary monotony so during the weekend, I'm often afraid of an empty plate. I'm lucky my love is creative in the kitchen but there's a little pressure to 'compete' with him... So, the other day, I understood that if I made him one more pancake, he was going to ask for a divorce... and I think that personally I've eaten too many too, I'm ready for something else! So here are three super simple mini recipes to make your tastebuds water.
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-3 The egg in the avocado, for 2 people, you need:
  • 1 avocado, not too ripe
  • Lemon juice
  • 2eggs
  • 100g ham or bacon bits
Start by preheating your oven to 220°C. Cut the avocado in two, take out the pit and make the hole left behind a little bit bigger in order to make some room for the egg. Add a little bit of lemon juice on the avocado, so it doesn't turn brown. Then put your avocados on a muffin baking sheet so that they're held in place. Break an egg in each of your split avocados. Cook in the oven for 11 minutes. While waiting, cook your ham/bacon bits in a pan, once the avocados are ready, sprinkle a few bits on it, season to preference and enjoy!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-4Pea and Coconut Milk Soup, for two people, you'll need:
  • 250g of fresh peas, or 750g of peas in their shells
  • 1 half onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 12 fresh mint leaves
  • 250 ml of vegetable broth
  • 150ml coconut milk
  • Salt and pepper as well as olive oil
Start by finely chopping your onion and garlic clove. In a pot, cook them with a little bit of butter and olive oil; when the vegetables have caramelized, add the vegetable broth, or if you don'tStart by finely chopping your onion and garlic clove. In a pot, cook them with a little bit of butter and olive oil; when the vegetables have caramelized, add the vegetable broth, or if you don't have any, water will work. When the water starts to boil, add the peas and the mint. Let it cook for about 5 minutes. Then strain everything, being careful to keep the cooking water. Put the vegetables in the blender, add the coconut milk and a little broth and mix! If the soup is too thick, add a bit of broth. Serve in little bowls and add a dash of olive oil on top, salt and pepper to taste!
Almond Milk Porridge, for two people, you'll need:
  • 65g of oatmeal
  • 250ml of almond milk
  • Fruit
  • Homemade applesauce
Put the oatmeal and the almond milk in a small pot. Cover and cook on low heat for 8 mn, the porridge is ready when the milk has been completely absorbed, at this moment you can add the dried fruit, mix and cover to let it swell a few more minutes... In a bowl, add the applesauce (two tablespoons per bowl), cover the porridge and sprinkle fruit of your choice on top. I know that raspberries aren't in season, but it's my guilty pleasure that at the fruit stand the other day. They are my weakness... enjoy!
make-my-lemonade-do-it-yourself-diy-une-autre-facon-de-bruncher-5 Translated by Whitney Bolin[:]
January 11, 2016