

Happy Thursday, cherries,

I'm building up the suspense a little longer with photos of the Gatsby looks, but at the same time, it's the "happy friday" rule! To keep you waiting a little longer, I'd like to tell you about a superb address, an "experience" address as I like them, like a sort of time machine. Well, many of you have asked me where I took my photos, so I was lucky enough to go and shoot at the Moonshiner! So what is the Moonshiner? It's a speakeasy, one of the few "hidden" bars in Paris. Although this style of bar is flourishing across the Atlantic, it's not yet commonplace here in France. 




 Speakeasy appeared during the American Prohibition era... Ah, these Americans aren't crazy, and yes, for all those years from 1919 to 1933, the manufacture, import and, of course, sale of alcoholic beverages was simply forbidden. As is always the case when prohibitions are imposed, tricks of the trade emerge, the counter-gang organizes itself and clandestine bars are opened, with an entrance wedged in a double partition of a barber's shop etc... you know what I mean... And as a thirsty aside, it was also at this time that Americans, in order to party, organized "wet weekends" in Cuba, and bim the birth of the Mojito! 




I've already told you about my experiences behind the bar with Scott, and well, all the famous bars I'm talking about, whether it's "L'UFO", "Le Kremlin", "Le Dirty Dick" or "Le Moonshiner" (for my favourites), it's the same team behind the bar. I think it's crazy to have undertaken the creation of such unique and different places in a city so saturated with bars, cafés and other restaurants. I love the madness that emanates from each of these places, and I'm not the only one. These men behind the scenes create phenomena with quality and audacity as their common thread.




To return to MoonshinerI suggest you go to 5 rue Sedaine in the 11th arrondissement (Bastille metro station). And then, if you google the address, you'll tell me "super c'est une pizzeria merci madame lemonade"... We said it was a speakeasy, so don't be afraid, just enter the pizzeria, don't ask the waiters if it's really here, they won't tell you anything, that's the rule. Look out for the big wooden door, go through the restaurant's storerooms and you'll find a big black door, there you are, push the door open to take a step back in time. The pizzeria is called Da Vito, and the slice of mozza on the pizza is delicious, like REALLY that's what pizza tastes like...




For a little background on the name of the place "Moonshinercomes from the famous American Prohibition period, during which the manufacture of alcohol was forbidden. So smugglers, not wanting to be spotted with lanterns or torches, distilled alcohol in large vats only on moonlit nights (moon shine...), called "Moonshiner"...

See you there? 


December 19, 2013