Hello my little cats!
We're kicking off this themed week with our first gentle Do it Yourself project... A paper mobile to keep you busy on those long, hot days! You'll see it's a bit tedious, but the result is so poetic! It could be the perfect decoration for a colorful wall, or a mobile for a baby gift if you decide to make the ice creams smaller...
For this themed week, we've really gone for the deco, so you'll see we're going for a crescendo! But I'm sure you'll love it! We wanted this mobile to be light and airy, in shades of white and wood, but it's up to you to imagine it in bright or pastel colors, and even with stickers as a topping! We look forward to seeing your creations!
Kisses and see you tomorrow for a recipe for iced mochis... (yes, yes, you read that right!)
For this DIY you'll need:
- A drill,
- The Pattern to help you understand,
- A wooden rod,
- String or ribbon,
- 60x20cm strips of white paper,
- Punching pliers,
- Beads to crush and cable wire,
- Wooden beads of different diameters,
- Glue,
- scalpel,
- Scissors,
- A ruler,
- White thread and needle.
We made the paper balls using DIY from CCfaitdessiennesDon't hesitate to refer to it if you need any clarification, it's very well done! To begin, mark the top and bottom of your sheet (lengthwise) every 3cm. Using the back of your scalpel, join the markings to simplify the creation of the folds for the following steps. You'll need to draw 20 lines.
At both ends of your strip, mark at 10cm. Use your scalpel to draw the diagonals, starting from your mark and drawing a line to the corner of the second line.
Continue in the same way, joining the corner of line 0 with the bottom of line 4. Do the same across your paper, ending up at the corner of line 18 and your second marker at 10cm.
Do the same in the other direction, so that the diagonals intersect. Be careful to be precise for a clean finish! Turn your sheet over so that the side on which you made the marks faces the table and fold your vertical strips (make sure your hands are clean). Turn your work over again so that the pre-marked side is facing you, and now fold the diagonals.
You can now see the volume of the cells in your future scoop of ice cream! Take your ruler and draw a light line along the top and bottom of your strip, 1cm apart.
Now grab your scissors and cut between line 19 and 18, as shown on the diagram. patternfollowing the folds! We'll now move on to the holes, which you'll use to hold your ball closed. The line you drew at 1cm will serve as a reference (feel free to look at the pattern to understand).
Using the smallest diameter of your pliers, punch the center of both sides of the little triangle that appears thanks to your folds. Continue in this way along the entire length of your paper.
Once you've made your first row of holes, fold over your diagonals one by one and punch in the exact places of your first row of holes! And TA-DA, now for the best part: assembly.
You'll see that the folds will help your ball to shape itself, but to help a little, glue the two sides of one of the ends shown on the pattern to the other end of your strip. Grab some thread and a needle and thread it through all your holes.
Pull the thread tight and tie several knots to hold the ice ball in place.
That's it! Repeat as many times as you want!
For the ice cream cone, cut out a 40cm-diameter half-circle or print out the pattern! Roll it up on itself and secure with glue.
Now grab your drill and make 6 holes in your wooden bar! We recommend you make yourself a very long needle with wire to thread your cable wires through all the elements.
Thread the cable through the cone, and you can also use a wooden bead to decorate the end of the cone. Continue with your ice cream scoop.
Finish with two wooden beads! Now fix your ice cream by threading your cable and two other beads through the wooden bar and securing with a squeeze bead to stop it moving! And TA-DA!