
Hello kittens,

 Another article about our office life. castle office, I warn you, I ate a clown... I think back to our article where we presented our huge office (thanks to the wide angle) and at the time we were 2 and 1/2, Charlotte and I every day and Laure there from time to time, and then things got tough, we grew, fast, as you know, and today we're 5! In short, our beautiful office quickly became a little cramped. And today, more and more of you are picking up your Wear Lemonade orders at the office! It's great to meet you all, but sometimes I can see your faces hallucinating over the atomic battleship that serves as our office.

It's time for us to move, to welcome you properly and work properly... So yes, in the meantime, we tidy up in the evenings and mornings, so the office is presentable in the morning from 9:30 to 10 and in the evening after 7:30... And again! So please, tonight, light a candle, ask Ganesh for a favor and send your best wishes so that we can find a new desk as soon as possible! Just for us, a big office, so we can do absolutely (and even more) crazy things in it! 


Today I've got a golden opportunity to talk to you about our day-to-day work, and I'm here to tell you about a new tool that has joined our team. After our incredible paper-cutting machine, which we must tell you all about, a new sidekick has joined the studio: "S-P-R-O-U-T"Yes, Sprout... I see you coming, we say "SPWWAAAAWWT" OK? What's that, then? It's HP's new computer, a little marvel of technology and design! Take a look:

I have to confess that we're big Apple users and we were intrigued by this super-creative machine, and then by force of circumstance and our E-shop we also had to train on a PC, thank you La Poste... I won't hide from you that there was a time of adaptation between the Apple system and Windows, but I have to admit that it's rather intuitive and I almost forget my terrible childhood memories on the elementary school PC.


Of course, you'll tell me that HPcould have come up with a better name, but believe me, after the initial puns, everyone has found a new ally in Sprout:

I use it to make my DIY montages, thanks to its lens that captures my hands while remaining hyper-fixed with uniform light.

  • Charlotte, in charge of publications on Make My Lemonde and incidentally the queen of pinatas, uses it to make gifs or other video montages, and also to mix... (Sprout not only captures, scans and mixes, it also offers some very cool applications, and we spend a lot of time playing with it. The Piano application is magical! ).
  • Nardjisse, my associate in charge of development for Make My Lemonade and Wear Lemonade (and a number-crunching princess in her spare time) uses it to prepare the love newsletters we send you, and we have to admit that there's a big difference between our little Macbook screens and Sprout's. It's also great for bookkeeping, but she doesn't really like it when I say that...
  • Laure the Wear Lemonade product manager, our pattern manager, uses it to scan her patterns and prepare the gradation, and here too she saves precious time since she can scan in A3... and rework the gradation directly on the screen (which is touch-sensitive, but for greater precision she uses a stylus).
  • And Coralie, the e-shop manager and our translator, uses it on a daily basis to prepare your orders and get them out to you as quickly as possible. Because, as I said, the postal modules and widgets are developed for Windows... Coralie has also recently become a sort of postal guru, and knows all there is to know about registered parcels...

To give you another example, on the touch-sensitive tablet, I can place objects, set up a little scene, capture them using the scanner on top of the computer and then project my photo onto the tablet, thus removing the objects. I take a sheet of paper, deactivate the touchpad and draw the projection of my photo on a sheet of paper. Once I've finished my drawing, I can scan and retouch it, and send it to my printer for printing... Magic!  


Because it's all very well to tell you about this cool object, but it's still a hell of a budget, so with HPwe're going to get your brains and fingers working, so you can win a computer just like this one! To do this, I'm asking you to create a mood board, a compilation of photos, or a photo with all the objects that inspire you, have fun and you can post your photo on Instagram by adding the hashtag #SproutbyHP or else if you don't have Instagram you can post your creation in the comments of this Facebook post ! The first 100 will win this tote bag, and what's more, we'll draw a winner who will receive the revolutionary Sprout by HP, worth 2,500 euros! You've got until July 24 to enter! 


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July 13, 2015