
Happy Friday my little cats! 

I hope you're in the middle of packing your suitcases, that you're ace packers and planners. For me, it's always an ordeal. I suck at packing. I always take 3,000 extra things that I never wear. I pack 4 pairs of shoes and end up wearing nothing but my 10-year-old Brazilian blue plastic flip-flops, which I love. I always take lots of dresses, but deep down I know I'll be in a bathing suit all the time with a loose tee-shirt. And then, to top it all off, I systematically either forget my toiletry bag, or my elastics and hair clips, and end up with my bangs stuck to my forehead in the middle of a heatwave due to a blatant lack of organization. 


And then to complicate things, there's the weather factor. Sometimes I get organized and check out the weather, carefully observing the probability of precipitation. But I've learned something over the last few years: the weather forecast is like the post office - you can't trust them. So while Évelyne Dhéliat plays Russian roulette with the cumulus clouds, I pack my clothes with the terrible sensation of taking too many things with me. And then, once the vacation's over, comes that horrible moment when you have to unpack your suitcases (suitcases which, by the way, have been sitting in the middle of the living room for 2 weeks to maintain the illusion that the vacation's not over). In short, that dramatic moment when you open your suitcase, which still smells of warm sand and wet bathing suits, at which point I always feel like a failure when I realize that I've only worn a third of the clothes I'd packed. And at that moment, I curse Évelyne Dhéliat, that liar, I was right...


But as I write these lines, I'm determined that I'm going to beat the curse. To take suitcase lessons. Not to miss any more, not to break my back, not to forget anything and, above all, not to hold a grudge against Évelyne. As for unpacking my bag as soon as I get home, that's another story...


Today I'm wearing a feather-light palm shirt, H&M collection du moment, a pair of shorts Topshop shorts from last year, a pair of cheerleader boots Topshopa sublime bag Tammy and Benjamin on The exceptiona sweet flower Karuna Balloo and bird rings brought back from my trip in Thailand


Thanks to Lâm Hua for these pictures !!! <3

To read this post in English, click here!

July 17, 2015