

Hey my little love cats, 

I'd like to say some lovely words of love to you, this sunshine makes me want to coo and hand out lemonade with my stand on wheels in the streets of the Sentier, all afternoon instead of working. It's like fuel for the neurons this time of year! Today, without revealing too much, I'd like to tell you about the most beautiful exhibition I was lucky enough to preview at the Musée. V&A MUSEUM (Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL), the retrospective of Alexander McQueen's work.

To tell the truth, I knew the work of this famous Englishman, without really knowing him. At this exhibition, I really discovered the scope of his work, and was blown away by his heightened sensitivity... To tell the truth, I've rarely been so shocked.



These collections are not pieces you'd wear in real life. But they are gifts to humanity. Absolutely. For me, he was a true artist - yes, there are plenty of talented people out there - but for me, he was more than that. For me, artists are people who create beauty, who tell stories, whose accuracy and beauty we hope will never fade, that they will endure through the centuries. At the exhibition, you can see his work getting crazier and crazier, his eye blending and fusing inspirations, and it's a tribute to the craftsmanship and know-how used to get his message across. 


To talk about the exhibition itself, I found it perfect, impeccably staged. There were many pieces that paid tribute to Alexander McQueen's different periods and inspirations. I had 2 favorite pieces, a huge room completely compartmentalized with wooden boxes, in which screens projecting films of old shows were articulated, and which cohabited with silhouettes or accessories. This room is called the cabinet of curiosities, and for me it was truly like a box of chocolates. Everything was sublime, every detail brought to light was the apology of a meticulous and extraordinary work on materials. And my second breath was taken in the room preceding the hologram of Kate Moss imprisoned in a glass pyramid. Yes, yes, you read that right, impossible photography, but I'll leave the surprise intact. And the second room, all mirror facets, with mannequins spinning and reflecting in the room ad infinitum, all lulled to sleep by a lovely Bjork song. That's all it took to bring a few tears to my eyes! 



I was lucky enough to discover this exhibition thanks to Eurostar and its 2 for 1 program: a program that gives you free entry to the exhibitions simply by showing your Eurostar tickets! Interesting, isn't it? You can find the list of partner museums here here

Kisses and off I go! By the way, I'll be in London tomorrow and if I have a bit of time, I think I'd like to get carried away once again... And tell me, have you seen the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibition at the Grand Palais and the Jeanne Lanvin exhibition at the Palais Galleria?

April 21, 2015