
Happy Friday cats!

I hope you're bridging the gap and reading this from your beach towel. I'm writing to you from Cannes, where I'm lucky enough to be for 36 short hours. The sky is an intense blue and I was thinking how nice it would be to be on vacation, to wake up in the morning and say "what am I doing today? Ah well, what if I did nothing...?


Ahah the good joke, I'm incapable of doing that! I can do it for a few hours, but then I get bored. A few weeks ago, I was quite flat because of illness, and when the doctor told me I had to stay in bed for 4 days to recover, at first I thought it was easy, I was really at the bottom of the bucket, but from the 3rd day when I was feeling better, I found the time really long. So, even if it meant staying at home, I rearranged the furniture: rest according to Lisa Gachet. But I realize I've got a problem, so it's no big deal. 


My perfect day, just for me, would be to wake up in the morning and take a long bath listening to Al Green. Make myself a smoothie with lots of fresh fruit, take the time to cream myself from head to toe, and definitely do a face mask. Get on my bike, because of course the weather will be nice that day, and ride across Paris to get a massage. Massage + cream, I'll be slippery before 12pm, but that's just a detail. Go for a late lunch with a friend on the terrace or in the hidden garden of Café A. Then afterwards, we'd go and read a good novel on the banks of the canal. Then I'd go home and get ready for a drink with friends and my boyfriend, and come home barefoot because we'd end up going dancing...
And what's your perfect day? 


Today I'm wearing a dress Cos dress, a terrycloth jacket from the great little brand Jour/né available on theExceptiona Végétal leather bag Matt & Natshoes Patricia Blanchet and to go underneath, because this dress is such a pain, a perfect invisible body. Princess Tam-tam.

May 15, 2015