
Frida week means I'll be serving you clichés all week (or nearly all week), I wanted to make you a dessert with speculos and strawberries, and I don't know why my mind makes strange connections: Frida= Speculos it must be a color thing.... And then I wanted to make a salad with edible flowers... but I've got to admit that even if I find the idea of "eating flowers!" charming on paper, I don't think I'd really like it, unless I've had a few tequilas first... either. Guacamole, I know it's easy, but it's so good. For the record, on my street, there's a Mexican restaurant called "El Guacamole" and if I listened to my boyfriend, we'd eat there every night, so to please him and because their guacamole is divine (I tried to ask them for the recipe, I used my little voice and my pussycat eyes, but it didn't work... that's life). So, since I didn't have the original recipe, I tried to reproduce it from memory. Enjoy!

To make this killer guacamole, you'll need..:

  • 2 ripe avocados,
  • 1 lime,
  •  1oignon,
  •  1 clove ofcrushed garlic,
  • 2 small tomato peeled (not cherry but not beef heart either...),
  • 5 to 6 sprigs of coriander,
  • 1 tablespoon crème fraiche,
  • a little sweet chili powder,
  • a little Tex Mex mix or a few drops of Tabasco,
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper,
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt,

I'd advise you to get out your blender or mixer, otherwise it will take you hours to cut small cubes of each ingredient and then mash them with a fork... it's up to you.

To begin, remove the flesh from the 2 avocados, place in your blender and add the juice of your lime. Peel and seed the first tomato, chop the onion, crush the garlic and chop the coriander, then add these ingredients to the blender, finishing with a spoonful of crème fraîche - just one tablespoon is enough. Blend for a few moments, taste your guacamole and adjust the seasoning: salt, pepper, chilli and tabasco. Blend a few more moments, I like it when there are a few pieces left, so that it's a little lumpy, if you know what I mean... and chill for about 1 hour. Before serving, add small cubes of the second tomato, peeled and seeded, mix and serve! Yummi...

Just a little kiss to my love niece MALIA happy 9 years old my little butter heart...

June 19, 2012