hello company!

Wednesday's little DIY! Today I'm more into geometry than clicking diamonds. As you're beginning to see around here, I'm a big fan of Scandinavian design, retro and the clean lines you see invading the internets... So for me, this "do it yourself" became almost a matter of course when I stumbled upon this image... I thought "that's such a good idea, I've got to do that for them", and then the decorating tyrant I live with said to me, "are you really going to repaint a wall in the apartment, just to do a blog post?"I realized then that I was probably giving you too much and that I wanted to keep everyone happy, especially my beloved, because I'd still have liked to repaint a wall in the living room... I'll show you how to make the negative of this picture... What's more, it's a lot less time-consuming, and yes, I'm thinking of you little students who don't really have the right to repaint their apartment, so a quick swipe with a gaffer or masking tape and you're done... It's not the most ambitious DIY, but I know that the world doesn't have Mike Gyver with his ten fingers, so ENJOY!


 To make this DIY, you'll need..:

  • - scissors
  • -an exacto
  • - color gaffer (bought at Rubans de Normandie, Paris 75003)
  • -or masking tape that holds well
  • -and crystal designs you can download HERE.
To begin, choose the location on the wall where you wish to work, and pin your model close to you so that you always have the layout clearly in mind fig.2. Unroll your first strip of scotch tape and place it on the wall. Choose a starting point on the crystal sketch and draw it larger with the scotch tape figs. 3, 4, 5 & 6. The great thing about this DIY is that you don't need to be precise with the lines - you can just let your imagination run wild and reinvent shapes. The key is to keep to broken-edge shapes, so that each straight line finds an angle in which to "die". For the finishing touches, use an exacto, or scalpel, to cut away any irregularities in the lines, so that your shapes are clean and well defined (just cut the surface, there's no need to carve your wall) fig.7. and TA-DA fig.8. Of course, you can also make these diamonds with painter's tape and paint over them to get the original inspirational image, or even with crazy coloured tape... Once again, have fun!



November 21, 2012