
Hello my birds,

Staying with the pink and silver theme, as I promised, I'm showing you the next adventures with Jonak. I think it's the preparation phase that excites me most - the prototypes, the fittings, the backtracking, the actual construction of the collection, the new designs, the cut-outs in the shoes - it's just too good! Sometimes I tell myself that I'll never have enough days in my life to try my hand at all the jobs I'd like to do. It's very frustrating, I won't hide it from you, but I think a little voice has been rising up inside me since the start of this project with Jonak, confirming that designing shoes and clothes is really what makes me tick in life... So obviously, if this were to be a success, it would be a bit like "fringed dough on the derbie", but that's not what I'll take away from this experience. 


Say hello to the Diego boots, the loves of my life, I've made room for you in my closet, I'm looking forward to you my precious ones.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, in fact I'm sure I haven't, but at work I'm a real stickler for detail. If it's not perfect it doesn't suit me and we start again, and if it's not perfect for me but we don't have time to go back it undermines me for days. I'm not angry (although I sometimes am), but I'm very angry at myself. So I try to get back on course, and to right the ship the next few times, for myself first and foremost. And I can tell you that sometimes life speeds up and I don't have time to be angry with myself, and I've already got to get back on track. So for this shoe collection, I didn't want to find myself in such a situation. For me, it had to be perfect down to the last detail, otherwise there was no point in doing it. Shit, a shoe collection doesn't happen every day! So we took the time to do things right, to start almost everything over at the last minute for greater consistency, I fought for the polka-dot lining, for the color of the soles, and we went with Marie, the creative director, to Portugal, to follow the finalization of the models more closely, etc....


And as luck would have it, Marie is also a stickler for detail, so it was galvanizing: we agreed on almost everything, she could finish my sentences and vice versa! We're on the same wavelength, and it was absolutely brilliant to work with someone as perfectionist as she is. The photos I'm showing you today are not the final shoes but only prototypes, some models have been cancelled and not all the shoes in the collection are featured in this post... Let me give you a few surprises! In the next post I'll show you the photos of the shoot we did with Pauline Darley, a short video too, and above all the making of which I was able to film in Porto at the Jonak factory! 


To tell you a little more, this will be a collection of 7 models. my previous articleThese will be the 7 must-have pairs to have in your closet... All in all, if you've been reading us Fridaywill go perfectly with the next Wear Lemonade collection! Because I can assure you, we can never have enough sequined or pink shoes in our shoeboxes... So get ready for October 30, when the collection will be available online and in a selection of Jonak stores. I'll tell you more very soon! 

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October 10, 2015