

Hello butter hearts,

I've often noticed that you like it when I talk to you about my work, so I really wanted to show you this project. It took place last June for the release of the summer issue of Milk, and I loved working on it so much that I couldn't wait to deliver these images to you. I've just been waiting for the right moment, and I think this week is the perfect excuse... So here we are, talking about the job of Set Designer, which consists, as I told you in this other articleI'm talking about the Set Designer's job, which, as I told you in that other article, involves taking care of all the decor, everything that goes on around the product to show it off to its best advantage. So interesting, from window displays to merchandising and fashion series. Today I'd like to show you a little window into my profession, and let you lose yourself in the colorful and obviously flowery delirium of this series.



 Art Direction: Isis Colombe Combréas, Photography: Karel Balas, Styling: Mélanie Hoeffner. Enjoy and find all the images in this series on lisagachet.com  




October 09, 2013