

Happy Monday, my little cats! 

A new week begins, and I hope you've been enjoying the Indian summer this weekend... As for me, I've been dealing with a rather unglamorous case of the flu, and I've been using my time to indulge myself in the kitchen, a sort of "food therapy". A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to go to the Bon Marché to discover the beautiful exhibition on Japan (until October 18) and took the opportunity to take a cooking class with the hyper-creative Japanese chef Taku Sekine at the big grocery store next door... A real moment of happiness, I learned a lot of things, and did things that seemed downright insurmountable to me, like putting together a mayonnaise with just the strength of my wrist... In short, I was over the moon, because Japan really is a destination that makes me fantasize, for its culture, its landscapes and above all for its cuisine! Today, I'd like to share with you the 3 super-simple and delicious recipes I learned to make during this cooking class, plus a little recipe for sesame ice cream... Enjoy, my little cats! 




Ginger Ale with Okinawa black sugar... Don't panic, all the ingredients are available at La grande épicerie de Paris, including those famous black sugars (the little brown cubes in the photo).

For 4 people, you'll need:

  • - 50g ginger,
  • - 100g Okinawa black sugar,
  • - 200g water,
  • -1 lemon,
  • - tonic or lemonade, ice cubes, a few mint leaves and lime slices.

Wash the ginger and chop very finely - no need to peel (phew!). Place the Okinawa black sugar, water and minced ginger in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and reduce the mixture by half. Add the lemon juice, then strain, keeping only the liquid. Allow to cool before serving. Once the mixture has cooled, place it in the bottom of a glass, add the lemonade, a few ice cubes, the mint and the lime slices. Feel free to make your drink last by adding more lemonade...



Soy and whisky mayonnaise... For a big pot of mayonnaise, you'll need..:

  • - 2 egg yolks,
  • - 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar,
  • - 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard,
  • -1/2 lemon juice,
  • - 1 tbsp salted soy sauce
  • - 2 tbsp whisky
  • -250g olive oil.

Place the vinegar, mustard, egg yolks, lemon juice and soy sauce in a salad bowl and whisk well. While whisking vigorously, drizzle in the olive oil. If your mayonnaise ever seems too runny, feel free to adjust the consistency by adding more oil. Add the whisky and taste, adjusting the seasoning with pepper and a little salt.




Tea-fried chicken... so easy and so delicious for 4 people:

  • - 500g chicken drumsticks (or other part),
  • - 2 tablespoons soy sauce,
  • - 2 eggs,
  • - 3 tbsp green tea
  • - 3 tbsp garlic powder
  • - 10 tbsp rice flour
  • -1 lemon and pepper.

To begin, marinate the poultry in the soy sauce for at least an hour, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, blend the green tea, garlic and flour in a blender to a fine powder. In a bowl, break the eggs and beat lightly. Using a silicone brush, brush the drumsticks before dipping them in the flour/garlic/tea mixture. If you have a deep fryer, this will be easy for you, but if, like me, you don't, it's not the end of the world either. Pour a large bottle of sunflower oil into a large saucepan and heat. When the oil is boiling, add the drumsticks to fry. Stir them from time to time, and when they've been frying for 10 minutes or so and are a lovely golden color, remove, drain and place on a bed of vinegared rice. To be dipped in whisky mayonnaise, of course! 




White or black sesame ice cream

  • - 30 cl milk
  • - 3 egg yolks
  • - 20 cl heavy cream
  • - 100 g sugar
  • - 130 g black or white sesame paste

Using an electric mixer, beat the sugar and egg yolks in a bowl until the mixture is white and frothy. Meanwhile, bring the milk to the boil, then pour the boiling milk into the sugar/egg mixture. Return the mixture to the pan and thicken gently over low heat, stirring all the time. Remove from the heat when a fingerprint remains on your wooden spatula. Add the cream and sesame paste, stir and leave to cool. Place in the ice-cream maker and leave to churn for at least 25 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, place your ice cream in a tupperware in the freezer for at least a few hours before enjoying! 


September 29, 2014