Hello! Apart from turning into a giant plague incubator this weekend, I've come up with an atomic DIY... tell me about it! If you ever panic while making it, if there's the slightest problem understanding the explanations, leave me a little comment and I'll come to the rescue! You'll see I have a serious problem with this dress, I love it so much I made 5... I know it's a lot... and I also have a serious problem with polka dots... Anyway I've made you a simplified pattern of this dress... (nice) and easy explanations (so nice!) So yes I know, don't panic, you don't have to make this dress in one go, just start a few hours and come back to it a few days later, no dress binge... we're patient and it pays off! Super-easy pattern, no real back or front, symmetrical sleeves, bust, back and flounce, so it's ULTRA EASY! Download your patterns HERE and THEas well as INSTRUCTIONS! A4 BONUS part 1part 2part 3 and part 4 !   GIF-ROBE-DIY-LOOK
February 27, 2012