
Happy friday the company!

"What's going on?!" Yes, those were the words of the Dane when he saw me coming out topless. Well, it's going nothing, I just felt like wearing a lot of cleavage. There are days like that, when I feel like testing things out, when I feel good in my sneakers and in my skin, and I feel like taking responsibility for myself. Here I am outside, on the asphalt, my nose in the air, a little ray of sunshine, I feel it's going to be a good day. People stare at me in the street, I don't know if it's because of the hat or the cleavage, or because I'm laughing at myself... Anyway, I get into the metro and instinctively hide my breasts with my shawl... I keep covering myself up until I get to the office and decide to drop the shawl and walk around as if nothing had happened. I sensed that people were staring, but I didn't pay too much attention. I think I was even amused, but I could sense that something different was going on.
The day went on and I didn't think too much about it, I had some kind of superpower, I was wearing the neckline like the V of victory, it was quite strange. The power of clothes. And then in the evening, I went to a party and met a woman that nature had copiously spoiled in the cup department and I'm thinking, shit Lisa you can't stop looking at her breasts, it was too beautiful but I was hypnotized. Voilà, voilà. And there I was, with my sissy cleavage, thinking that we were touching a sensitive subject with our eyes. Let me take you back to the beginning of this day, a bit of a crash-test in spite of itself. That morning, when I put on my vertiginous bodysuit, I wore it because I really wanted to. But I was well aware that I didn't live in a self-sufficient bubble, and I was going to meet a lot of people... So I subconsciously (or consciously, I don't know, I don't ask myself as many questions in front of my closet), knew that I was going to expose a glimpse of my anatomy to the world. When I put it on that morning and saw my lover's reaction, I thought "Oh yeah... who cares". It made me happy. Besides, breasts are the oldest and most natural thing in the world, and in summer I'm topless all the time, so I don't ask myself so many questions. It's true that the context is different, but it's still breasts, and everyone has seen them at least once... 
I went out and covered up that deep V, a question of context no doubt. At the office, I assumed my role because I was confident, and in the evening, I paraded around with my furrowed brow in the wind, to ??? To be seen? I ask myself. Is cleavage not only a feminine stabilo boss, but also an accessory? Like "look at my scandal-red jacket"? And do we need to say anything? Or is keeping quiet a sign of respect? For my part, when I met this woman, I wanted to say "Madame, you have a sublime décolleté", just as I would have said "You have incredible shoes...". Is that inappropriate? But if a man had said it, would he have been branded a pervert? My question is: how can you not look at what you can only see?! What is the custom? Besides, I've been working on this a lot: one day on the blog, I gave a rubbish math lesson on whether to wear a deep décolleté with a beautiful chest or small breasts... Still, I think we can really do what we want with our bodies, and I admire the freedom some people have to assume their full potential - I'd like to be freer too. It's amazing how a few square centimetres of skin that we're not used to seeing can make us want to dare to be a little more feminine! 
So today I'm wearing a vertiginous bodysuita pants, a cape and hat Urban Outfittersand shoes Sarenza. These photos were taken at the Serres d'Auteuil by the talented Martin de Say Cheers… 

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September 11, 2015