
Hello my little cats! 

In another life, or rather as far back as I can remember, I've always had a flair for commerce... When I was 8 years old, I used to make pearl rings, but not simple rings in small rocailles, I used to make big rings with a sieve that I embroidered with huge pearls and other small stones in cameos of color. Afterwards, I would sell them for 50 francs to my mother's friends, and launch new collections (just new colors). My father had taught me to make the most of my time, in other words, to do two things at the same time. Doing crafts and learning a lesson, or stringing beads and watching cartoons at the same time. And at the time, my bead supplier was La Droguerie. That's when I developed a new hunchback: business. The Droguerie was too expensive and if I bought my raw materials there with the money I'd earned, I could only buy back enough to make the number of rings I'd already sold... I was 8 years old, I remind you, and I set off in search of new suppliers in the streets of Bordeaux with my mom. I vividly remember this pearl shop on rue Sainte Catherine near la Victoire (I was already wondering how viable the business model of a pearl shop was at the time, but well, I didn't really have the right words of course...) In short, this place was the Holy Grail! I was finally going to be able to make a profit so I could go out and buy myself... more jewelry. By the age of 8, I'd also developed other aspects of my personality: paradox and contradiction.


All this to tell you that I've always loved creating and seeing people wear what I've made, and when I was 18, I set up a small jewelry and doudous brand called "Bidiou and Co". Among other things, I made glitter dinosaur earrings. I had so much fun during this period, and the other day when I came across these little plastic dinosaurs, I thought I had to show you! 


For this DIY, you'll need:

  • - Plastic dinosaurs,
  • - white glue,
  • - varnish (optional if using decopatch-type varnish-glue),
  • - studs, rings and earring mounts
  • - flat and round tweezers and a paintbrush,
  • - or a large leather needle.

Start by taking your awl or leather needle, pierce the dinosaur's head - I promise it won't hurt - and thread the nail through the hole.


Then cut the nail to a length of about 1cm, and use the round pliers to form a loop.


 Now thread the ring through the nail and repeat with the second dinosaur.


Take your brush and white glue or glue varnish, and coat your dinosaur. In a small container, rain fine glitter over your missing animal. Don't hesitate to touch up the glitter to make sure you get every nook and cranny of the dino.


Once the glue is completely dry, apply a second coat of varnish glue, or varnish, to avoid sprinkling glitter all over your clothes. Using the flat-nose pliers, attach the earring clip to your dinosaur.


And TA-DA! And as a bonus, I'll give you the packaging at downloadand print it out on an A5 so you can give your earrings to someone you care about, because a glitter dinosaur is a bit like a talisman in the religion of lemons... I give you a big kiss! Hey Parisians, by the way, if you'd like to make your own pair with me, I'm inaugurating the "mercredis du savoir faire" at BHV Maraisstarting Wednesday 10th, open to all, all day long, I'll be on the Paulette Magazine stand!


To read this post in English, click here!

June 02, 2015