In these photos I'm wearing a jumpsuit Tara Jarmona jacket Asosmy love shoes Maurice Manufacturea collar Karuna Balloo and a shu uemura.
Hello my little cats!
I hope you are well! So much enthusiasm for these pairs of tights I was telling you about a few days ago! It almost makes me want to read your reactions if I ever wanted to start a clothing brand! Just imagine... It would be crazy! That's my dream... Anyway, let's get back to the other big item of this theme week: Happy Friday! I'll be honest, I had a blast making this series. I spent weeks styling, hunting for pieces, calling friends and press agents. I wanted a modern Pierrot. I asked the brilliant Pauline Darley to do the photos, to Fred to do the hair, he who knows how to tame mine so well, and to Camille Siguret to take care of the make-up.
I'm wearing a skirt Pomandère a top Floloveshoes Sarenza shoes (remember ) and a tricorn found in Venice.
Okay, I admit that the plumetis tulle ruff isn't exactly easy to live up to on a daily basis, but the tricorne is a no-brainer. At first in the metro, I didn't quite understand why people were looking at me sideways, and it wasn't until I saw my reflection in the windows that I remembered... But after all, it's just a hat... Okay, a hat you're not used to seeing, but it's first and foremost a head covering, nothing more, nothing less. I got out of the metro, went to Starbucks to get some breakfast and was stopped by the barista who asked me why I was dressed as Jack Sparrow. I gave him a look with lightning in it, cracked a forced smile and sailed back to the office. In retrospect, I should have asked him if he was dressed as an '80s soccer player with a long neck. But I'm a nice guy, so I didn't...
In the first photo I'm wearing a dress Belle Ninona jacket Adidas Jeremy Scottshoes Sonia Rykieltights Calzedonia and the tricorn we found in Venice. On the second, I'm wearing a Vanessa Brunoa Carven collar, tights Calzedoniashoes Sarenza and a giant homemade bow headband.
I thought about it for a while after that and I think it's great to find your own style, your own signature look. But I don't think I've done that yet, or that my time has come or that I'm still looking, to tell you the truth. I've got some wacky essentials, some must-haves that the average person can't live without, but sometimes when I read your comments, I feel free, and at the same time I feel that some of you are missing a little click, when you tell me "I love this, but I'd never dare wear it...".
Here I'm wearing a pair of pants Boohooa top H&Ma jacket Samsoe Samsoeshoes Michel Vivien and a tutu revisited collar Karuna Balloo.
Well, I think you've got to be daring (thank you for the power of 100). But it's true, after all, if you feel like wearing dungarees to the office, or a yellow coat. So what? Are you going to be Mario Bross or a chick to your colleagues for the day? So what? I even want to tell you that I'd rather look like a chick than have an interchangeable look. And I'm not even going to tell you how good it feels once you've got over the hurdle - it's not just clothes. And in the end, they only tell you what you want to show at a given moment, the moment you're wearing them. Just because I wore mermaid-skin shoes with lurex socks today doesn't mean I won't want to wear classico-boring ballet flats tomorrow. In my closet I have working girl outfits, space outfits, little girl outfits and loubard outfits (the feminine of loubard) and no, I don't think I have "one style", I have styles, I'd like to have as many as I have facets to my personality... I think it's good to be a bit of a sartorial schizophrenic at times, to experiment and maybe find the woman and man you want to be.
In this first photo I'm wearing a top Floloveand feather pants Serkan Curashoes Jeffrey Campbell and my tricorne. Second photo: I'm wearing a dress Asosa cape Sonia Rykiel vintage cape and a moon headband Karuna Balloo.
To sum up, in 2015, if you're feeling up to it: Dare. I remember very well when I was 17 in Bordeaux, walking around with a sailor's cap on my head. I think I understood then that I was only going to do what I wanted to do, because people are just surprised to see someone step out of their comfort zone. So they get curious, but if they don't laugh... Do I really need to tell you that it doesn't matter? As far as I was concerned, it was they who hadn't understood anything, and I just knew that with this little hat, I could become absolutely who I wanted to be in 2 seconds like that...
A big kiss
Many thanks to Pauline and Lara, to Camille, à FredCharlotte and Karuna. And a special thank you to Alexandra who helped us get the moon...
I'm wearing a skirt here River Island skirta top Asosa coat Tara Jarmonshoes Burberrya headband Karuna Balloo !
Thanks to Burberry for lending us these beautiful shoes, by the way, have you seen their Christmas window displays at the Printemps Haussmann ? If you haven't, I urge you to take a look and dream of a magical trip to London! This year, Burberry has teamed up with this department store to create animated window displays that I'm sure you won't be able to resist, and that will awaken your childlike spirit.