
Behind this mysterious title, you may have recognized her. Delphine Manivetthe famous wedding dress designer. So, no, I didn't choose a dress from her collection, as you know, but I did want to introduce you to this wonderful person. And above all, I can't think of a more beautiful person to put the finishing touches to this wedding-week than Delphine. I've known about her work for a long time, and I'm even lucky enough to have a black Pierrot dress she designed for her capsule collection with La Redoute. I had the pleasure of meeting her during the round tables Géraldine Dormoy organized for the 10th anniversary of her café Modewhere Delphine was also a guest speaker. I literally drank in her words. I don't know if it was her soft yet deep voice, or if it was because I deeply agreed with everything she was saying about transmission, sharing and French know-how. So much so, that between two discussions, I went to tell her that I had just fallen in love with her. She must have thought I was crazy, but agreed to give me her e-mail address to answer a few questions. 


I love Delphine's approach to her job as a designer, entrepreneur and woman. For a long time, I stumped myself with the question "Who are the people who inspire me?", and I can tell you without blushing that Delphine is one of them. She thinks and believes deeply that you can create things and build a universe by respecting a large number of values... Which are very recurrent themes in my life at the moment.

I've been following Delphine's work with great attention and admiration for several years now, so I couldn't resist asking her a thousand questions! I loved her honesty, authenticity and passion. I hope I'll have the chance to talk to you about Delphine again soon! 

 - "Important question": Can you tell us a bit about your background? 

I studied at the Institut Supérieur Spécialisé de la Mode in Paris and worked for 5 years as a stylist in some of the top fashion houses before launching my own brand.

 - "Question Do it yourself": I read somewhere that when you couldn't find what you wanted for your wedding dress, you decided to design it yourself. What did it look like?

Unfortunately, it no longer exists, as I dismantled it to make the first patterns for my wedding dresses, but basically it still exists in a way, through all my dresses. It was a long dress in ivory silk, with a strapless top covered in antique lace, and my hair was barely done, with flowers in it. It was my ceremonial dress, and in the evening I wore a jade-green Indian sari.

-Question domino effect": What triggered the next step? To creating your own brand?

After making my own dress, I made those of my friends and then those of friends of friends, and the adventure began. I studied the market, took out a bank loan, put together my first collection and launched myself. I was very lucky, because the press immediately supported me, even though I didn't know anyone, but with a lot of hard work and optimism, I realized my dream of creating a small fashion house.


- Question carnet au fond du sac": How do you draw your creations? Do you make flat, highly technical designs, or do you do more loose things?

I draw all the time, that's what I like most, I always have notebooks in my bag, that's true, I draw in the subway, in bed, when I'm having breakfast. First I draw my ideas in miniature quickly, then I make more elaborate sketches that I pass on to my teams.

- "Question de transmission": Over time, do you think your teams have learned to read your pencil strokes?

My first d'atelier, Dylia, who has the most beautiful hands in Paris, knows me well and has worked with me for a long time; she knows right away what I want without needing to explain. We work almost intuitively, and then my extraordinary seamstresses Monette and Anka bring my designs to life.

- Question de savoir-faire": Tell me more about your famous handkerchief hem and Made in France? 

In the trade, we say that making a handkerchief hem on silk chiffon is the hardest thing to do impeccably. It takes at least 7 years to train a good mechanic. Beautiful things take time. It's a choice of excellence and a history that I want to pass on to my brides all over the world.


- "Question Rolling Stones": What is your greatest satisfaction as an entrepreneur? as a fashion designer? and as a woman?

First and foremost, I'm the mother of a wonderful 10-year-old boy and a very naughty 7-year-old girl. They're part of the adventure too, and inspire me every day in my role as business owner and fashion designer. These are two totally different things, but I decided to be both, and in the end, each role feeds off the other. My greatest satisfaction is to have built a team and to have succeeded in passing on my dreams to them.

-" Guidance Counsellor Question": If you had the time to learn new things, what would you like to do?

I'd dream of going to medical school, I often watch open-heart surgery on YouTube, I know it's a bit strange but it fascinates me, I'd love to be a great heart surgeon.

"Trick question: What's the worst present anyone could ever give you?

A cookery book, I hate being in a kitchen. I have absolutely no talent for it, even though I'm very greedy.



"Proust's madeleine question: What's your first memory of a dress?

It's a white cotton trapeze dress with a big embroidered collar and little pockets that I wore for my first communion. I was 8 and I thought it was the prettiest dress in the world. I still have it... it's in my daughter's wardrobe.

"Peter Pan question: What did you want to do as a child?

As a child, I used to write little stories and illustrate them, always with a moral at the end, like in fairy tales. I used to make little books that my mother kept. I thought it was a great job!

And a little bonus question: when I visited your office, I realized that you weren't a lover of color. If white were no longer synonymous with marriage, what would be your favorite color?

It's not that I don't like colors, but I'm never completely satisfied with them. For my last haute couture collection, we did many, many dye tests before finding the red of my bird dress. Colors are more demanding and exciting. Only white leaves me totally at peace. 

 Photos Christophe Roue de la latest collection If I had to do it all over again, these would be my two favorite dresses! 

To continue sharing her world with you, Delphine is offering you the chance to win 3 books on her work! For your chance to win one, please leave a comment below this article describing your dream dress for this big day! I'll draw lots on Thursday morning and the results will be posted here! Hugs and kisses! 

Thank you all for your participation! Drum roll: the winners are... Cam and her Barcelonnaise dress, Cyrielle and her Big Day planned for 2017 and Alice D. and her dress covered in exotic birds! You can send a quick email to [email protected] with your contact details to receive your precious one! Kisses to you all!

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October 26, 2015