

Happy friday kittens! 

I hope you're doing well and packing your clothes for an imminent departure on vacation! Personally, I'm staying in Paris all summer... But I'm not going to complain, because I'm thinking of going on a few long weekends this autumn... And then I've got a whole month of August to prepare you for a perfect back-to-school! The Workshops, the crazy online store with patterns, goodies, little gifts, surprise pouches, it's going to be great this fall, I can't wait! I like the empty streets, the less crowded metro, the more relaxed people, the 2-hour lunch breaks... But it's also a good opportunity to finish those ongoing projects that have been dragging on for too long. You know the things that float around in the back of your mind, preventing you from starting new projects that are close to your heart... Well, I'm just about finished! I'm as excited as a lark to have time to do my little drawings and make clothes, all without receiving my 70 daily e-mails... 




 Rereading a few archives, I remembered how the weather had been a recurring topic of discussion on the blog, and how rainy days after rainy days could drive me crazy. I never had the right outfit, too often ending up with a monumental stroke and knee-high eyeliner when I tried to take photos on days outside... But hey, since then I haven't invested in a racing umbrella but in the most adorable raincoat, yellow of course. And I've even caught a few girlfriends and my mother trying to steal it from me... I'm glad to see that my lemony madness can be contagious... In the meantime, make sure you're well covered this weekend, it's stormy in the capital. Hugs and kisses, 

Lisa Dhéliat



Today I'm wearing a raincoat of love Petit Bateaua turban Cult Gaia tropical, electric blue eyeliner Dior. My watch Daniel Welligtona flower Karuna Balloo and a blouse Petit Bateau. And a little further down I'm wearing a navy blue chino and shoes. Cheap Monday.


August 01, 2014