yellow palette 

My kittens,

 I've never worked so much that since I quit my job! It is amazing: every day is a new project with its lot of surprises (and stress!) and the day after is a totally different new game with news things at stake, new client etc.... I knock on wood so it lasts! It is delightful right now and I am up-to-date in all my homework so I can peacefully debrief with you on my express trip to NYC... Lucky me! I am lucky though, I went there with the Gemey Maybelline team and I can say that I was very impressed, I made myself little and I took half a million of pictures, like a paparazzi who'd be lucky enough to see Johnny Deep french kissing Monica Bellucci... You see


palette rouge 

 I felt so privileged during these 4 days... I went backstage, I discovered the secret of street style, I saw amazing collections and I got to watch the Gemey Maybelling 2014 shooting as if it was completely normal for me to be there, with 12 muses that were each more outstanding than the other... I was a mouse with a camera stuck on my face... And the cherry on the cheesecake was that this trip coincided with the one-year anniversary of Make My Lemonade... So much ground has been covered since then! And what a wonderful gift it was for me who are, as you all know, in love with this City... This time I didn't went through my good addresses for you because I think it was covered with my last trip... 


blue palette copy


This time I wanted to bring back colors, a whole range of colors. Many of you were asking me what was inspiring me, well it's ALL of this, the detail of a red light standing out against a taupe wall, a pair of cosmic sneakers, the gradation of lipstick on a magazine's page... I am a real sponge... And what about you ? Where do you find the inspiration ? I come back to you soon with more posts about this trip, I have addresses for men this time found by the amazing Hana May! And I also want to show you my pics from backstage and the street style madness...

February 20, 2013