
Happy Friday cats! 

I'm so happy to post these photos. Firstly because I love this dress Lola ! I made it for myself in silk and in a long version. I fell in love with the fabric and it's the super Julie Perrot who filmed the tuto, inspired me to make a longer version. And then, when I have an idea somewhere... I made it in the hours that followed. In silk, it's as light as a breath, it's already in my suitcase for the vacations, patiently waiting to be worn, she's like that Lola, always ready... In case you were wondering, the silk comes from Sacrés Coupons, and for the long version you'll need 3 meters of fabric! And I love these photos because it's Martin Condomines from Say Cheers who took them. Martin is the photographer who's going to capture our wedding and I'm so happy he agreed to work with us, because I find his work really hot, different and obviously not conventional at all... And I love these photos because I discovered the Auteuil greenhouses that day, admittedly, I've already posted you a look in another part of this place, but there's something magical about the park that surrounds the greenhouses. It's a sort of journey back in time, everything is calm, wonderfully flowery and those water-green greenhouses are so poetic and romantic! I'm sorry I didn't take the time to discover this place before. 


And then I love these images because I'm wearing such crazy shoes offered to my friends and my lover on my last birthday, the shoes of love. I wore the high version of Louboutins for the Plan B dress photos, which the brand had kindly lent me. But to be honest, I couldn't take a step in them, as I don't have "fine Louboutin" feet, and I was dreaming of those heart-shaped ballerinas, with that well-designed little heel, and then I liked the idea of having flat Louboutins in my collection... 


And finally, I love these photos because I'm madly in love with that red cape! Tara Jarmonwhich is the brand of my wedding dress... I won't tell you more, because in addition to wearing the plan B dress dress for the civil wedding, I have another dress. For our secular ceremony and for the party, I found the dress of my wildest dreams, and by an incredible stroke of luck it was made by Tara Jarmon! I can't wait to show you more, I really can't! Love to you all and enjoy my last few hours of Mademoiselle. 


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October 02, 2015