Hello my little cats!
Great news, great news! The days are getting longer and we'll be opening the lemonade studio doors again this Wednesday, February 24 from 5:30 to 9pm! It's great to see you again, and I hope that I hope you'll come and have a lemonade with us, and it'll also be time for a sneak preview of the new Make My Lemonade website! You're going to say again? Already? Well, yes, every year I give the blog a fresh coat of paint. But you know, the Internet years are long and it's like with decorating, I want and need to change often, it's like moving furniture to tell new stories. Well, you'll see, but this time we did a bit more than move the furniture around...
The new version of the site will have a much more mature feel, with color in the spotlight and, above all, a real space just for you! There'll be a Community page, for all those "sewing SOS", with a gallery for you to post your creations! A sort of sexy forum, if I do say so myself, it's possible, and it's almost ready...
Bring your Wear Lemonade creations to this open evening! Because we're going to set up a photo corner, with a real studio and a nice colorful background, but all out of sight so that the shy ones feel at ease, and we're going to immortalize you to start filling up this Community page... We can't wait for this new site, like a need for fresh air, color and sunshine! It'll be online at the end of the month, but until then I'll see you soon for a crazy city guide!
See you on Wednesday February 24 at the studio, 80 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, from 5.30 to 9 p.m.! To get all the info you need to access the lemonade studio, sign up for our newsletter, and we'll send you all the access codes later today.
Kisses and see you in your diaries!